I just had BestBuy install an aftermarket JVC with a Sat radio, however, they could only find radio dash kits for 2012-2014. There has to be other options. Does anyone know where I can find a radio dash kit for a 2016 Prius C? Isn't it the same kit that the 2015 Prius C would take?
The radio face on the 2012-14 have a weird pointy bit on the bottom left, you can see that in this pic: The 2015 is mostly flat with a curve at the bottom right If you're feeling adventurous you can file down a metra kit and see what happens. Here's on on ebay for $20 if you want to give it a try: 99 8239B Aftermarket ISO DIN Radio Install Dash Kit for Prius C Car Stereo Mount | eBay
Hey guys, just found out that metra has released a radio dash kit for the 2015+ Here's the link: Metra Online