In the past, they have taken the cancelled order route for the Roadster, Model S, and Model X. The same will be true here. But that is a problem for those who cannot wait, not for Tesla. The Model S is still selling like crazy even after the preorders were all filled.
a note a little off topic, but this are the actual sales numbers for the firs 3 months of 2016, source Inside EVs
Toyota making a pitiful showing....guess that's how they can keep up the facade of an argument about nobody wanting an EV.
Math quiz. I paid $20,300 for my '15 Prius Persona ($28k msrp). I pay $30/month of gas on the high end. If I purchased a $35k base Tesla how many years would it take to make up the difference?
can't be any difference because is not gaso involved. But I can tell you that I purchased a 2012 PiP, number 5 of seven in the first delivery to New York, I paid almost 36K to have it on the road, with a monthly loan of $272.00 and maybe $25.00 gas, average, a month. For me, it was a very bad investment. The GEN 1 PiP sucks in EV range.
Sounds like you were expecting an EV driving experience, even though you purchased a plug-in hybrid. It still blends though, taking advantage of plug-supplied electricity. That was the purpose of the PiP design.
I am dreaming. $13.5k total rebates in CO. You got your Persona for less than $21.5k? Good job! Let me amend my statement then. A Model 3 for $1.2k more. Pretty good deal that I can only dream of because I am not moving. Update: Yikes, this thread has degenerated fast. That's 3 more pages of ad hominem attacks. Time for my exit. Keep up the good fight, 4rpr15. I'm rooting for you. As I said earlier on the thread, I value your opinion because you will help drive down demand and keep prices low for me when I am ready to buy. At this rate, I'm looking at 2021 before I get my M 3. Hopefully, you're right and a good portion of the reservations drop out.
And what will you choose when EV will be cheaper than hybrid or gasoline cars ? 2025 is the predicted date for this to happen.
It's laughable too, i suppose, that you have to fill your motorhome or scooter or prius. 95+% of teslas are charged at home anyway because the supercharger network is designed to support the 5% driver who needs quick charging during that long distant trip... it's not supposed to feed cheapskate needs for $1 of juice that's FREEE. Time will tell indead. Even as gm was pushing hummers back over a decade ago, vw/diesel & pickup fans would heckle pc members because they need a pickup for whatever reason . That's ok - each fan of each vehicle is entitled to be 'right' based on their own situation. Prius, over a decade +of time, proves there's a place for it & other hybrids. EV's are proving it even quicker. It's almost creepy, or comical that some hybrid owners feel compelled to become the next generation of naysayers just as the former pickup /diesel /Hummer owners used to do. "why I'm not going to buy a model three" ... well you could have many similar Posts - like why I'm not going to buy a motorhome or a Harley or a Corvette or a Suburban. Gee surprise surprise, different rationals. Now - let's start holding hands, & sing Kumbaya .
maybe if there weren't so much hybrid/prius/prime/mirai/toyota bashing here, it wouldn't be that way.