I was braking, going into a stop light and a huge SUV rear-ended me (going about 50 mph). Back of the car totally smashed in. Bumper hanging. Wheel well pushed up against the car, couldn't be driven. Back hatch can't be opened. Passenger side door doesn't open. I had the seats down in the back and the back floor is scrunched up. The woman who hit me stopped to see if I was OK. I was very shaken up and said I was calling the police and she got in her car and took off, speeding. I got the last 4 digits of her license plate and of course a description of the car (a very upscale, rather new JEEP). Everything has been reported to the police, my insurance agent's emergency number isn't working, but I called my insurance company directly to report it. Car has been towed to a local dealer; there is body shop next door. My shoulder (from the seat belt) and head (hit the head rest) and ankle hurts, and will see how I feel tomorrow. Very shook up. But am glad the Prius protected me as much as it did. I don't know if the car is totaled or not... my guess is yes. Value, being a 2008, isn't much. So not sure what I'm going to do. Step at a time.
First, sorry to hear about your accident. Second, if you are hurting now, you will be hurting a heck of a lot more tomorrow. See a doctor. Your car is guaranteed totaled. If insurance is still the same from what I remember, you will stiff have to pay the deductible unless the make "contact" with other driver. I probably wouldn't have said "I was going to call the police". iPhone ?
I guarantee you have soft tissue damage at the very least. go see your primary care physican and he or she will prescribe MRIs/X-rays as applicable. I am still recovering from a similar collision that occurred over a year ago. Good luck with your recovery.
Stories like this made me go out and by a high res dash cam. In fact I bought 2, one for the front and one for the back. Even if I die, maybe they will get the sob
Me too. Bought a Hero Camera 2 years ago and never ever drive my car without it in the window. Works great. Had it for years now. 270 degree lens 720P HD. Lots of Hero 2's on eBay really cheap. Prius frequently get hit in the rear. Its a very small car and small light footprint. I have been hit twice. Tampa is the hit & run capital of the US. I also put a motorcyle blinker kit ($15) into the third brake light that's set to flash 4 times everytime I hit the brakes years ago. Haven't been hit since. Side brake lights come on as normal but the third center high light flashes 4 times than stays on. The flash rate is adjustable. Its really noticeable. Its the same look as pumping the brakes but you don't have to pump the brakes. The op needs to go the hospital asap. They have new rules now about personal injury. You have a limited time to see a doctor for a claim after the accident. With that much damage I would be surprised your not injured.
Thanks to all for your responses. I did see a doctor, and I'm OK. Bruises and sore muscles and a slightly sprained ankle. All in all it really wasn't too bad. Rather amazing under the circumstances. Though I will keep the medical end of things open, should something occur months in the future. The car was a 2008 and had 124,000 miles, so I won't get much for it. What amazes me is that insurance only gives you 3 days once they issue the check. Not much time to find/buy a used/new car. And yes, hit and run is a felony here. But no word yet on whether the police have had any luck finding the other driver. They are checking bank video and also running the partial plate through a special computer program.
Sorry to hear about your Prius being totalled. I hope you make a full recovery, and get recompensed for your injuries too. Any rear collision that scrunched up the floor of your vehicle must have had enough force to inflict considerable soft tissue damage upon your person. Make sure you get a dash cam with your next vehicle, I have one too, after repeated close encounters with 'crash for cash' scammers. Also very useful for incidents like yours. I hope the hit and run driver is tracked down and brought to justice - that was quite despicable of her, driving off like that.
Sine Florida is the hit and run champion in the US they passed a law here last year. Mandatory 4 years in prison if you are in an accident with injuries and leave the scene. I like that word mandatory. No wiggle there. Should be 10 years imho. Scumbags. My wife works with a lady who was driving with her husband and got t boned and the guy was able to split and get away. They both got hurt really bad and are in real trouble. I think your only covered up to your limit on the uininsured motorist dec than that's it. So to the OP you got very very lucky.