okies my front struts seem to have never been replaced like 175k / 180k car. the rear were replaced at 130k miles according to mycarfax.com, so that can wait a bit. just went through my cars record and discovered my transaxle fluid was changed at 40k, 50k, 75k, 90k, 120k, 130k, and I changed it at approximately 170k so that's good. someone changed the odometer between feb and august 2014 so I got some educated guess thanks to the maintenance and auction records. with steve's help just rebuilt my hybrid battery and I just replaced my failed hv cooling pump. well now it's time to slowly work on shocks, tires improved swaybars, getting my drivers seat lowered, etc. So I wonder if I could use the 05-09 struts without problems? I read here the 04 were kinda weak. I read about the corolla sway bars, anything to improve the current roller coaster ride would be good, but I got limited funds, so I'll have to do this piece meal. are the swaybars plug and play like we say these days. any advice would terramir
the struts are all the same, 04-09. KYB struts aren't too expensive if you can diy. you can get some corolla or matrix sway bars from the junk yard for pretty cheap, and both front and rear are better than the prius bars. aftermarket progress or TRD rear bars are even better still, but will cost > $100 each. the rear bar is a 10 minute job, but you should replace the bolts with TRD or aftermarket bolts. front bar is a bit harder cause you most likely will need to dangle the front subframe to get it in there. its about a 2 hour job.
I look on ebay and see ones complete with springs etc, and others where it's just the strut, do those springs wear out ? #2 anyone here know anything about sensen shocks #3 I saw kyb excel for 130 bucks but that's only the shocks sensen complete kitis only 33 more. oh yeah one more thing what models ans years of the corolla and matrix will fit sway bar wise? terramir
the springs don't usually wear out. occasionally one will break, but you'd know it if it was broken. I suspect sensen is garbage you should be able to find a better price for kyb, unless its $130 for a pair. 2003-2008; possibly later than 08 but I'm not sure
Was 130 for pair but nothing but shocks will have to reuse all the top hardware sleeves etc and I will have to rent spring compressor for 60 bucks at autozone
Hi all, I know this may not apply to this thread, but I am trying to find out how to fix a bolt I broke off of my driver side wheel. I tightened it too tight. I have attached photos.
you need to buy a new stud and drive the old stud out with a hammer and punch. I hope there is room to slide the new stud in without having to remove the hub. to install the new stud, you draw it into the hub with the lug nut and a stack of washers. if you are that brutally strong and ham-handed, get a torque wrench to tighten your lugs. its only like 82ft-lbs for the lugs.
I re-used all the old stuff when I replaced my front struts. if the dust boots aren't torn and the mounts aren't damaged, you should be fine.
Hey thanks! I did some internet searching and found out how. It appears it is a pretty common issue. I will do it tomorrow