what's the best way to remove and put it back on?....I rather not take the rear hatch apart!....is there a decent plastic like tool to pry the Toyota logo off?
So the clips can be released from the outside?....almost sounds too simple....I will give it a try...thanks andino...
Yes, it's that simple. If you can get something under it without scratching, then it will just pop out.
Well...thats just what I did.... since I removed the front,,,it was time to do the back milk carton?,,,sure..I needed plastic,,, I cut it to shape... this will work....so i preped it.. basically too easy to do... thought about going with the whole change every to black,,,,bit for now...getting rid of the blue was the goal here...
it gets addicting after awhile! and before you know it, you have a glove compartment of laminated background backings for every occasion!
I've been looking for that(do you have the link?)...and yet since starting this logo thing I can see even more potential for customization...
no link, its a screenshot of my prius emblem folder >.< I make them myself using Photoshop and my laminator
Can I PayPal you for a yellow glow? Tried to do it myself a while back with that photoshop file you sent me but don't have access to a laminator.