The most affordable $35k base trim or any trim Model 3 to be ready by the end of 2017? Any $7,500 federal tax credits to be remaining for the base trim? New vehicle build reliability issues? Gonna put this right here. (Tesla fans, please don't read) Tesla’s Model 3 Could Destroy Elon Musk’s Company - The Daily Beast
You know, this is not anywhere near the first (nor the last) Debbie Downer clickbait article about Tesla Motors...and nobody should buy in expecting to receive the credit.
Thought that after reading the bold title, but the author seems to suggest it's rather many of those who took pre-orders that were April fools. The article seems serious from his perspective.
Looking at the 215 mile range! So, Tesla 3's 215 mile range is charging to 100%, but recommends charging 50-80%(107.5-172 miles) on a regular basis, plus using accessories such as climate and "cold weather range loss"; COLD WEATHER RANGE LOSS. | Tesla Motors
[QUOTE="Sergiospl, post: 2327270, member: 75826".........., plus using accessories such as climate and "cold weather range loss"; COLD WEATHER RANGE LOSS. | Tesla Motors[/QUOTE] But that it is true to any BEV or Hybrid Plug-in. My former 2012 PiP in the middle of winter was rendering about 8 / 9 electrical miles of driving, if I kept the temperature low, the electric boost heater turned on and my electric range dropped another 1.5 miles less. And that was with a PiP the the EPA awarded almost 12 electrical driving miles. Do you agree that I was loosing 1/4 of the energy? That really sucks, for a vehicle that I originally paid almost $36K. I'm glad I got rid of it.
So, most plugins charge with a 10-15% loss from the wall; EKM Digital Submeter Measures EV Charging Efficiency
You may want to take that up with Edward Niedermeyer. The Model ☰ remains on the short list for our family’s next vehicle, so "threatened" is probably not a good description of my sentiments. The Model ☰ will bring welcome competition to the fold. Getting past Niedermeyer's sensational title, he addresses some important details that all should become familiar with who are in the market for a Model ☰ and other PHEVs/BEVs in general. Do you feel threatened by Niedermeyer’s data?
All cars suffer efficiency degradation in the cold. The people that drive their car every dayfor over half of the Model 3's 80% charge is just 10% or less of the population.
The higher end model will be rolled out first take it or leave it! @ 60+k after the loaded sales slows down then they will start production on the next lower end models. That business ! profits on upsales! If your not willing to fork out 60k you have to wait a while to get a strip done model!