I have had my 2013 Prius mode 4 with sunroof package for nearly 10 months and never really bothered to change the main informational display from the HSI one. I was wondering if there is a more useful display to have than the HSI. I do display the HSI on my HUD so have the flexibility to change the MID. What do other Prius drivers prefer and why. Thanks.
i don't have a hud, and watch the hsi. i can't think of another screen that would be helpful while driving.
I stay on the HSI up on the dash and the MPG history on the radio can't remember the name of that screen right now. I've cycled through all the options but like the HSI best because it shows me how much more I can press the throttle before the ICE turns on, thanks to this when I feel like having fun and it's late/early enough to not annoy other drivers behind me I can get all the way to/from the interstate from my house (aprox 5miles) without turning the ICE on thanks to light acceleration to the speed limit and extended regen braking. It's kinda like a video game I call "going to work"... Don't accelerate too hard, don't let the battery go to low, if someone is behind you you forfeit the game.
I do the same thing for the last 3 miles of my commute which is off the interstate traveling around 30-40 MPH. You are right, it's pure gamesmanship to keep the HSI bar to the left side and ride the EV mode as much as possible. I've tried the fuel consumption screen and it complements well for my 1 hour commute. I left it at 5 min intervals which is fine. The only thing that stinks is that it doesn't show the traction battery. I regress, I'm going to keep it displayed. I will continue to display the HSI bar on the HUD. Thanks for the recommendation.
Np. Now I'm wondering why I even suggested that lol. I was thinking "If I had a HUD, I'd have the HSI there and the consumption screen on the 5" MID". Sorry, not sure what I was thinking.
I don't agree. The more you keep it in the EV (unless you mean gliding) the more wear you put on battery, get worse total mpg, and annoy drivers behind you. This is how the Prius hate started. But yes, HSI indicator is most important and it almost works like tach. Just below power is about 2000rpm and this is what I like to use, unless I'm gliding or traffic requires faster acceleration.
I still end up home with an almost full battery, and we were both talking about how it's almost a game, if you end up getting someone behind you you "forfeit" because you need to speed up. As far as more wear on the battery... well I'll find out in time, for now mine is still under warranty and over all I bought a Prius because I find it fun to drive.
I think you need to read between the lines. What I meant was pulse and glide, that's what a Prius is designed to do. No, I don't intentionally annoy drivers. I am keeping up with traffic, so no reason for anyone to be upset.