I've learned that it is the no trunk issue. Cars seem closer. I had the same issue with my 2006 Scion XB. Cars seemed much closer, because they are. But they are still within a reasonable distance.
Here is some observations : The reason why the majority (not all) of the population hate prius drivers are the following: They accelerate extremely slow (the pace it gets to cruising speed) hyper milers (self explanatory) Left lane hugging (not letting traffic pass and lying to themselves that they are doing the speed limit to justify hugging the left lane) Huge (multi car) gap space between the prius and the car in front of it. Some prius drivers try to regen with severals cars behind it. iPhone ?
I've noticed a big difference by region. I used to live in Chicago and the surrounding suburbs, and never noticed people right behind me. Even though folks drive relatively crazily there. Moved to Indiana, though, and people constantly do it. Even had one guy pull up next to me at a light in his truck and threw a cigarette at me while yelling derogatory stuff. Fun times. iPhone ?
You must be referring to secondary roads. On the Mass Pike, 10-15 over the speed limit is the norm. I have to drive the far right lane to avoid getting hit. Now have to contend with the 18 wheelers... merged Totally agree. Since driving a Prius, it has changed my driving habits. I tend to go with the slower traffic flow on the right lanes.
Driving a Prius has not changed my driving habits at all. I drive it like I would drive another car. Im normally out in the fast lane going along with traffic flow. I get about 44 to 45 MPG city and 45 to 47 highway. Happy with those MPG. I am in Texas and have a NRA and a Sig Sauer decal on lower rear window. No problem with tailgaters other than the normal ones we get here. Life's to short to spend it in the slow lane.
It is true. And not just tailgating, I noticed people tends to want to cut in front of Prius. For example, I'm in the slow lane going the speed limit and someone wants to change into the lane to exit the freeway. Most cars tend to want to speed up and cut in front of me even if there is a huge gap behind my car. I do not notice such behavior if I'm driving other cars.
duplicated It's not only for Prius, don't take it too personally. I think Prius drivers in SFBA are pretty good guys and girls. Go with the flow, no hanging on fast lane, unless going fast. I had an impression it was different way probably five years ago. Regarding streets, I don't speed in residential areas. And it is not because I can be fined, just my decision for sake pedestrians
I live in lovely Nashville, Tennessee. I've driven over most of the country and Tennessee is the only place I've noticed that the when you cross into the state within ten miles people on the roads get twice as rude. I can definitely say that when driving in the Prius or in my company branded Ford F250 it's the same treatment. People floor it to get ahead of me when they're merging only to slow back down and realize I'm doing 5-10 over and now riding their bumper, people twitch back and forth while tailgating me debating if they should go over the double line to get ahead of me while I'm doing 5-10 over then when they get a chance to pass me and do they realize how fast they're going and slow down till I'm riding their bumper. People see a Prius or a company truck and get nervous of being stuck behind someone that goes 5mph under the speed limit but never looks to see if you're actually slow. Yet once I get in an everyday car like my 97 Jeep Grand Cherokee or any of my friends/families typical daily driver cars they don't have such issues.
I'm not lucky enough to have that feature unfortunately. It would make my trips to Arizona so much nicer, instead I am stuck routing my trips for more night than day to lessen traffic.
I'm not a slow driver. But I've experienced several tailgaters since getting my Prius, including the nuts that "weave" back and forth behind me. Many times, the person tailgating me is a younger woman. Sure, there's always some dude in a pickup truck... but watch out for those soccer moms, too! I try and avoid school zones in the mornings. Some of those women are crazy.
+1 i said the same thing in another PC subforum and was attacked by a crazy PC member who didn't like to hear the truth (post since deleted by admin). fortunately in my area, most prius drivers are normal people who are too busy with life and profession to be obsessed with hypermilling. i have encountered only a few slow prius drivers who would block the traffic during the usual traffic hours congestion. i quickly passed them with disdain and only hoped they got the message.
Before I bought my Prius, I told myself I would be fine with only 45 mpg. (My V6 Camry was getting only 17 in the city!) I keep my car in the Eco mode, but I drive it just like I did any other vehicle. I'm not sure I even know what "hypermilimg" is. Whatever. I get 60 mpg without even trying. I'm doing 10 over the speed limit, keeping up with everyone else. But there's always the occasional freak that tailgates, and then tries to swoop around me on the left. I cut off a couple of those guys... then I decided to not do that again. I like my windows with NO bullet holes.
Fortunately in my area, most drivers have a wider concept of what is considered 'normal', and are not as obsessed with insisting that others drive at the same speed as themselves. Why are so many drivers, from a certain area, so concerned about bullet holes? In much of the rest of the country, in both legally gun-rich and gun-sparse zones, the highway bullet hole problem is negligible compared to the basic motor vehicle collision rate.