There it is. 72.7. Is that for real? I took all surface streets to Disneyland. 34 miles. Young "Penelope" did a great job. Why is this little trip indicator, different from the "Trip A" indicator? Thanks.
I think you're right, bisco. And if Penelope keeps giving me that kind of mileage, I will forgive the fact that her "shoes" are kinda noisy. I'll let her dance all she wants!
It's the data for the current trip ("starting from the flag" as it were). If you punch the trip button on the left steering wheel spoke you can change to the A and B trip indicators.
Fantastic! We're mostly in the 50.0mpg range but one daily Eco Diary entry at 60mpg over 45 miles because we travelled over the flatter part of the region.
The "overall" lifetime MPG is 61.2. (Two tank refills.) And I pretty much just drive it like a regular car. Certainly can't argue with that.
I've been averaging high 50s too... There was even a short errand trip that I got about 155mpg because it's mostly on battery
Getting the same great mileage. Heavy loads, high speeds, and rain kill the MPG. But this car is phenomenal.
If I could get 72.1 on a new 2010 soon after acquiring it, there is no reason your results could not be real. You are likely to see even better when your skills improve and you run into ideal conditions. img_5591_48224.gif by fuzzy1 posted Feb 2, 2011 at 11:07 PM
With our 2010 Prius my last fillup was 55.6 mpg calculated, 59.1 indicated for over a 500 mile tank. Our Prius has over 140,000 miles and still getting motorcyle gas mileage. I am leaning towards a 2016 Prius Eco 2, the only issue I have is no spare tire. Here in northwestern Oregon you can be miles away from any help and no cell phone service as well.
I'm not concentrating on the shorter, one-day drives so much anymore. I'm more interested in what MPG I'm getting per tankful. I'm very satisfied with getting an average of around 58-60. I'm still holding pretty steady at 60. Thats great. (But I'm only on my 4th tankful.)