I'm brand new to Prius (Been driving my new 2015 Prius C Two for about 4 days). My old car was an older Nissan Altima 4-cylinder. Any tips for a newb? I've been driving in ECO mode exclusively just because I wanted to see what it does for MPG for a month, then switch off and see what it does for a month. But its not even "broken in" yet at under 200 miles on Odo.
congrats and welcome! just drive it like you're doing, and read the newb threads here for all the tips and info you'll need. then, let the questions begin. all the best!
Congrats on your new Prius C! As Bisco mentioned there are a ton of useful threads on PriusChat from Tech issues, maintenance, mods and everything else you may want to explore. The best tip for someone who is new to the Prius C is test out its different modes and find which best suits your driving habits and mpg goals best, but more than that just get out driving and enjoy your car! When I first got my Prius C I did the same as you in terms of using Eco mode for a month or two, then drove it in "regular" mode to discover the differences in throttle response and mpg and I found I liked regular mode the best, but that's just me. You will find what mode you like best soon enough. You made a great choice in purchasing a Prius C, I find them to be relatively fun cars to drive and the reliability and low cost of ownership are incredible.
Thanks! I'm loving it so far. Got it new off the showroom floor for a steal since its a model year old. 10 miles on the Odo when we got it, up to 150 or so right now.
I was looking at used a prius c but toyota is offering 2000 cash back right now for their 2015 models that has me thinking about going new. was the dealer still open to negotiations even withe the two thousand cash back?
In order to keep the 2k rebait you have to use 1.9apr, I went with the 0% 500 rebait and go my 2015 Prius C two for 17,500 last month. 290 miles off the lot as well. Yoshiyyah, I love my new ride as well! It will be mostly for my wife to commute to work and school but I will have the keys on the weekend
Hi I am also a brand new Prius driver....my 2000 Toyota Camry has 162,000 miles on her and I am giving her a rest...my Prius C is a Four and I am amazed that when I push the on button it is dead quiet....scary at first...then when I put it in gear it purrs to life like a giant kitten....I have had my Prius for two weeks now and am still learning about how to drive her. I had to read the book several times before I was able to work the sliding arm rest....I couldn't figure out how it slid but finally just pushed forward on it and it moved....I really like the hidden compartment at the bottom of the console when you take up the bottom piece of plastic and have a spot for a hidden treasure..
Congrats on the new Prius C! I broke my 2015 C3 in sitting at 6k on ODO now. As far as tips, I'll tell ya what you can do: customize your own startup image! (I have a pic of Jesus arm wrestling the devil), customize screen off image, and you can put it in day mode so at night the center screen is really bright. Your backseat middle seatbelt can be tucked into the plastic thing on the rear roof! Ask your dealer for a courtesy bottle of touchup paint. Already have a rock chip near my fog light Finally, you can customize the radio screen to display up to 3 panes. I got weather/energy monitor on left half and map on right half of screen. Have fun with that bad boy!
I like that: instead of asking the proverbial question, which is better, experiment. Good for you, please post the results. Personally I find ECO travel too much, if anything, it makes it more difficult to modulate the gas pedal. That on a hatchback though, no experience with a c.
Thanks for the tips...I am learning slowly but not sure when to use ECO and when not too....I understand that it saves gas but sometimes I need the extra power when getting on a freeway....not sure about it yet
Eco mode creates input lag for the accelerator pedal's throttle response causing you to save on gas by not accelerating as fast as you tell it to. If you already drive like a turtle, keep it off. For me, driving is a marathon and not a sprint. I keep eco mode on so that my impulsive pedal to the medal behavior impacts my mpg less! [/QUOTE]
I too just acquired a v. There is some validity to driving in power mode during break-in (first 500 even 1000 miles). Do a search for the debate. Biggest tip from me...is to check your tire pressures.
Any instructions on how to customize what you said? Sounds pretty cool. I'm looking at what I want to cutomize on my baby now that I'm used to her a bit. I've been finding that the only thing ECO seems to change is how the gas pedal reacts. I actually got better gas mileage using "normal" drive mode not ECO. I gas in the middle of the "Power" zone from a stoplight up to about 40mph then back down to the green ECO range of the throttle till i'm up to speed. (In town).
Greetings and Welcome Aboard! Advice: Worth almost what it will cost you.... 1. RTFM. Read the.....er.....Factory Manual. 2. Don't try to "drive it like a Prius" or you're missing the whole idea. Try to drive it efficiently like you would drive any other car efficiently. 3. Check your oil about every other fill-up if you plan on keeping the car over 100,000 miles. 4. With the exception of a transaxle fluid flush or two, and maybe using a 5,000 mile OCI, do nothing that isn't on the schedule of maintenance (See: #1) 5. If you got an extended warranty, get a refund. Same with any other rip-off service they "offered" that you had to pay for. 6. Politicians are MUCH MORE honest than dealership service represenatives. If you have to pay for ANYTHING that's not in the schedule of maintenance (See #1) and when the schedule of maintenance says that it's due, then it's not maintenance.........it's a repair. 7. Get 2 opinions and explanations for ANY repair. (Most importantly!!) Enjoy the car!
yoshiy, Use the B mode when breaking, going downhill. You not only recharge your battery, but you Save on break pad wear. stt
No. Reserve B mode for just extremely long downhill stretches. Anything other than that, just stay in D, it charges better, and your brakes will last just as long.