It's really strange to me. Low reliability + would by another = makes no sense. Hardly anything is more annoying than a car that's constantly breaking. I had two Ford's like that, and because of it, I got rid of both of them and have never been to another Ford dealership, and likely never will.
That's what people said of the Prius 12 years ago. The trunk volume actually looks like a good size for a compact car (I'm guessing this will be classified as entry-level luxury car or junior executive?). It's the trunk opening that is on the small size.
Well they're 3 cars ahead of all the other start ups. (Roadster, S, X and 3). I'd say they're doing pretty well.
Indeed. Hopefully this will inspire other companies *cough* Toyota *cough* to produce an EV that isn't the iQ (eV) or the RAV4 EV (although that was a pretty nice car, especially the 2G).
In terms of carbon, the worse grid region, around 80% coal, means a plug in is equal to an ICE car that gets around 38mpg. Where the majority of plug ins are bought, they are as good as or better than the Prius in terms of carbon. That's how it is where I am at, and we still have 30% coal. Tesla installs solar along with Superchargers. Low reliability can include hassles, like peeling window trim pieces like my gen2 had, and not even include things like faulty transmissions And there is the front runk.
I thought you didn't have an intention of buying one in the first place, IIRC, because of a lack of charging infrastructure in your locale... I'm done waiting around for Toyota to get it together.
lol. NEMA 14-50s are generally cheap to add to a garage if you don't have one. Charging times will keep on shortening as battery sizes increase. Charging while you're sleeping is more convenient than fulling up in the bone-chilling cold in the morning, and the average daily commute (round trip) is 30 miles. Only 8 percent of the population has a greater than >70 mile round-trip commute, and that is still well, well within range of the 215-mile base model. 200k reservations already make H2 DOA.
That's part of it, but it's really very over priced for a car that can do so little. As I said above, it's competition for me would be a used Leaf for about $10k. And I don't want one of those either.
I wouldn't touch a Leaf for $5. Too ugly, too limited in range, and abysmal national charging infrastructure. The Leaf is not even in the same the Bolt compares in range at least (and the next Leaf may as well).
A Leaf could do the same job for me. Around town, my maximum trip is about 56 miles round trip. Neither car could make to and from my next closest regular destination which is about 295 miles round trip.