See first half of this presentation at UC Davis - interesting. The gentleman now owns a Mirai in NorCal. In another conversation he indicated that it would be possible to have hydrogen at the pump at less than $1.00/kg. We'll see. Is there a way to edit the thread name - meant to have "Anaerobic"
Wasn't cellulistic ethanol supposed to be cheap too? There are multiple 'bugs' out there that can make hydrogen for us. Many run into the same issues we have seen for ethanol or other fuel. What do we feed them and the costs not panning out as expected. Didn't have time to watch the video yet, but a possible issue on getting hydrogen as a by product from another process is the of whether there will be enough byproduct made to meet demand? It could be cheaper than SMR hydrogen, but with a short supply...
There are a lot of breakthroughs going on with H2 production. It is an exciting time. Toyota is well positioned to root Mirai now to reap the fruit down the road.
There is also a lot going on with batteries, renewable electric, and renewable fossil fuel replacements too.