Hi All, My second post here about this issue. I'm trying to specifically locate the problem. I got the c1343/571 code and attempted to what I believe was a success in bleeding out the air in the RR valve. I did this three times using tested methods and after I still have the same issue. So my questions is... What is my next step in troubleshooting? I still have the same issue / same code... Same wompy brakes. I'm using this car as a secondary work car so I need to solve this issue ASAP. Any guidance is greatly appreciated. Thank you
What was this tested method? If that method did not involve Toyota Techstream (or the Mini VCI clone) then this method is not going to be successful. Further, it is quite possible that the problem is a brake actuator failure, and not air in the hydraulic system.
Hi P Hi Patrick, Thank you for responding to my question. The tested methods were used with the latter from your repsponse. I have been bringing more & more familiar with the tool because I was overcharged at a place for minor wok involving an 02 downstream sensor. Since then I have had a few issues. Hi Patrick, Thank you for your response. I was hoping you would respond as I have seen you are super knowledgable over thousands of posts. As for the tested method described, I have taken advantage of the Mini VCI cable clone with the bundled software. I have had no luck with this issue among other issues separate from the ABS/VSC/ Brake/ C1343 issue. ---- Okay, my progress has come to a halt because I'm not exactly sure where to go from here. Is there any way to test the actuator? I have a chunk of the repair manual from a generous user on this forum so I was able to to bleed the RR valve line. I believe I successfully bled the RR twice. Both times using the software. (Watching the master cylinder level) The first time the problem didn't come back for about 10 mins or 3 miles of driving. Then I once again bled the RR. This time, the code comes right back after the bleeding process..... Sooooo My next idea was to bleed the whole system? Thank you!! All advic & direction is greatly appreciated!!
It would be reasonable to bleed the entire system. If that doesn't help then I suggest you replace the brake actuator. You can buy a used unit inexpensively. I am not aware of a way to test that unit other than reviewing the DTC logged by the skid control ECU.
Thank you. I was waiting to see if this would help but wanted a second opinion. I am going to bleed the entire system this weekend using the software. Also, would it in anyway be possible this problem would be caused by the skid control ECU? is there a way to test the connections with a volt reader? I read somewhere on this forum how a lady had a 2nd gen prius and went through a bunch of diagnosis's before she discovered it was the skid control ecu? and.... I noticed the other day that this particular prius I purchased was missing the paneling where the drivers feet rest. (such that if you were to look up and almost behind & below while crouching in by the gas pedal to plug in the mini-vci.) I believe this is where the skid control ECU is installed. So for now I am going to maybe bleed the entire system then the hydraulic system can be ruled out? - Maybe One more thing --- I saw the actuator pictures from a thread on this forum and it looks pretty intricate. Thank you!
Certainly possible. The skid control ECU is located near the steering column and is the ECU that logs the DTC. However I think the brake actuator is more likely to be the culprit. If you want to verify the wiring harness connections you will need the repair manual and electrical wiring diagram info from techinfo.toyota.com
Hi Patrick, Well I bled the entire system using tech stream software and followed manual instructions - The lights immediately returned. A little frustrated right now. I guess my next step is to try to bleed the system again and if that doesn't work which I presume it wont... I'm going to get my hands on a actuator. Right now I'm searching on ebay and having no trouble finding one. Once I receive the part I will search for a local shop which "specializes in hybrid repair" Does anyone have an idea of how much a repair like this would cost from toyota? (ballpark figure please) I'm in NYC
@Patrick Wong Does a leaking inverter cooling tank affect the braking system? I'm asking because I noticed a leak as of yesterday. it's coming from the bottom of the car but not near the inverter coolant pump. I'm trying to trace it now. It's a little difficult to find but I think its coming from a cracked hose. P.s. I'm waiting for a good price on an accumulator to pop up on eBay. It's not my main car so I'm not in a rush to run to a repair shop.
Contact Steve @ Autobeyours. Prius hybrids sales and service Scottsburg Indiana Good reputation and a Prius guru like Patrick. Maybe Steve has an acceptable price on an accumulator pump. Search other auto dismantlers too. Maybe one of them has a better price. I vote NO for the leaking inverter reservoir. But wait for a far more knowledgeable person to chime in.
It might indirectly affect the brake system as follows: 1. A leaking coolant tank will eventually lead to an overheated inverter. 2. An overheated inverter will shut down its operation. 3. The DC/DC converter within the inverter will stop working because of #2 above. 4. The voltage on the 12V bus will drop down because the DC/DC is no longer charging the 12V battery. 5. A reduced voltage on the 12V bus will cause the skid control ECU to log DTC and light up all of the associated warning lights like ABS, VSC, BRAKE, and ((!))