Never thought a few 1/2" plastic PVC pipes would cause damage, however ended up scratching the speaker grill cover located at the bottom right of the windshield (in front of the passenger seat). Anyone successfully remove scratches from the Prius interior dash?
How bad are the scratches? Pics - I want to see these rogue pixels, PixelRogue ? Several times I thought I had scratches, only to see them buff out with nothing more than a microfiber towel. That said, I think your scratches are likely a lot more serious...
Try some armor-all type stuff. A scratch is not going to go away but I have found armor-all (or whatever your brand of choice is) to make a lot of stuff look better.
Prius inside interior is made to be scratched.. however i treated some part that have been scratched. You can try taking the part out and heat threat it but its very risky! since it can loose its shape and bend if not done with care! I have succes to heat threat plastik parts by using an heat gun to it reach the temp. limit and let it cool down fast under cold water. It basically melt the top surface and fill out the scratches. Its a stupid way i know but it worked for me else you need to order a new part or use some magic alcohol stuff. Good luck Christian