Picked up another C today cause we wanted the 3 model and got a 2012 with 29K, traded in the other C. Driving home into a very strong wind I felt vibration in the wheel at 70-75Mph, it seemed to get less when slower. Can winds cause vibration? Also can overinflated tires or underinflated cause that vibration too? I didnt check it at the dealer as I thought they would have and its too dark now to check. One last thing, when they rotate tires, do they also balance them? I am thinking and hoping its not something more (front end issues) but either was the strong winds and me going into them at 75Mph or something with the tires? BTW with that speed and winds I got 44.5 Mpg on the screen for the trip
strong winds can cause vibration. but consistent oscillation is generally something else. not sure what you experienced but if you experienced oscillation get your tires balanced, correctly pressurized and physically inspected. if that doesn't fix it it's your steering rack bidding you adieu
i mean, 99% chance your wheels are just off-balance, but yeah it's still a possibility. doubtful tho.
sorry, just my nature to be thorough lol if it makes you feel any better subarus have notoriously weak steering racks, mine's still going strong at 120k, i'm the 3rd owner, and i certainly don't baby it.
Yea getting better each post lol It was more like I can feel the road imperfections in wheel Also wife reminded me that I was driving Dads brand new suv for two weeks then went straight into the prius c which lets face it takes the road alot harsher than a brand new Suv might I might not be that readjusted to the switch so fast, will know more tomorrow Well it turned out to be two badly bent rims, thanx for the help
You can often pick up a cheap pair at a salvage yard. That will save you a lot over the cost of OEM. Good luck! .
well first go raise hell at the dealer, nobody should be selling a car with bent rims talk about a safety issue if that doesn't work, 4 aftermarket wheels are generally around the same price as 2 OEMs. then you can throw the OEMs on craigslist for $$$ but really the dealer should be paying for this.
Yea salvage would be cheaper, thanks much I agree they should pay and be responsible but the "As Is" agreement is in effect here, I really have no rights on this however I'm not going to go thru the day without speaking my mind to them