I've had the car only a few days. I tried using B mode while going downhill and it worked well. However, I couldn't figure out how to disengage B mode while driving. Is there a way to do that or must you stop first? I would have assumed that you would just shift back into D. I could not find treatment of this issue in the manual.
any chance you inadvertantly went up (R) with the shifter? It's easy to do. D is down which seems backwards to some. System would tend to ignore the request for reverse, leaving you in B. just a thought. g
Note that B reduces fuel economy. It really should be used only as an alternative to riding the brakes, to prevent them from overheating.
Re. the B mode..... I still have a "gut" feeling that I have better control on snow/slush/icy Maine back roads with the B far before even having to try the brakes. A few days back I'd posted some B questions and was advised that there was no difference as far as "control" on ice was concerned. (Yes, I know there's a sacrifice in MPG but here in Maine staying on the road must remain one's primary concern...) I experimented yet again the other day on an 'empty' section of secondary back road slowing from 35± mph to a dead stop in a short distance. No question, ——with the B mode employed first and then brakes perhaps at 5-10 mph, the stopping distance (with snow and slush on an ice-covered road surface) was considerably shorter than with brakes only (tried lite tapping and, on yet another try, lock-up). At age 67 I've down-shifted in the old days and, more recently, steady pressure in late model dodge grand caravans with studded snow tires. I've not added studded snows to the Prius inasmuch as I believe they'd crucify FE. In conclusion, I drove the Prius I acquired in late November with great trepidation in the heavy snows... Now, some 4000 miles later I'm happy with the B mode first—before brakes— in heavy/icy weather... —And I've much more confidence in the vehicle! Best regards, Wes Shaw
Come to think, you're not the first one to say that. B provides a continuous even braking force, probably more so than most people can provide with their foot, and it makes sense that reducing jerkiness would help on a slippery surface. I'll add your observation to my B spiel.
I agree with Wes. I have tried both and I think B gives you much better stopping distance in snow. I was driving in D and straighten out a curve in my neighborhood waiting for traction control and then antilock brakes to help me. I hit the curb ! One bent rim, two trim rings, and several nasty scratches later decided to start using B mode. I think it really helps ! I only use it in town and when traffic is moving, put it back in D.
B mode definitely slows the car faster, the engine compression is more aggressive than the regen electric braking. That is why it is there, to overcome the effects of nearly 3000 pounds going down hill I think the 'doesn't help' comments might need to be qualified. If you are sliding on ice, I don't think B mode will have any benefit. No traction is no traction. No go and no stop. I watched a guy just this morning spinning his drive wheels full throttle trying to start on ice. Went nowhere. At the next stop sign, when it was my turn to go, I watched a guy trying to stop on the cross street. The wheels weren't turning, but the van was still sliding slowly toward the intersection. If he had been in a Prius in B mode, it wouldn't be any different. He caught some snow or pavement and did stop. These are the things I'll have to tell my 15 Y/O to watch for when she starts driving. Had I not been noticing his problem and entered the intersection AND he hadn't been able to stop, he would have hit me. Of course, same issue 5 minutes earlier with the twit (I'm being nice) that ran a red light after my left turn arrow was green and I started going. The person in front of them had already run the red, or at best barely entered the intersection before it turned red. Geez, a bad driving morning! Another "by the way": You can't use Cruise Control in B mode. I had gone down a pretty steep hill and forgotten I was in B mode when I tried to use CC after stopping at the bottom. "Why won't is keep speed?" Oh yeah, B mode. DOH!
This was a massive help to me! Thank you all who contributed! I had always assumed that B ode was to enhance the recharging ability when going downhill, only to learn now it's a form of Jake Brake. I know now I will rarely use the B mode outside of winter. Where I live in Indiana there aren't many hills to worry much about and those that are are fairly short in distance. Most likely the only time I'll use it is when there is more than a skin of snow on the roads.