I ordered a replacement filter for my Gen3 Prius. Purolator L16311 Since the box with my items from Amazon arrived crushed, I opened stuff up to ensure they weren't damaged. Since I don't have my installed filter to look at, I'm concerned something is wrong. The filter doesn't look like the outside of the box (no black ends), and I can't recall if this is the normal way it looks or not. Google searches come up with filters that look like what's printed on the outside of the box. Thoughts?
That looks very close to what I recall. It should be a snug fit, pushing onto the central post. Check outside dimensions when you have both in hand? Actually, post OD, ID and height right now, and maybe someone with a Toyota filter on hand will respond. Did it come with a replacement O-ring? If push comes to shove, you could just leave the old filter on there.
Yeah, it came with an o-ring. I hate it when the product inside doesn't match the outside. Makes me panic that I have the wrong item.
Appearance wise, the only difference I note is the glue area is a bit more extensive. With the Toyota filter, it's maybe 1/4" wide, at most.
I think it's best to get the OEM filter, it's really not much more than the aftermarket stuff and you'll know it'll fit.
^ Yup. Our Toyota dealership has hand-down the cheapest 0W20 in town, so I pick up the filter and drain bolt washer there too. Not everything you buy has to be flown across the country, lol.
With 2 Prius and a CT I always have a few around -- this is my current crop. The "better" filters sometimes come with the plastic cap --- like the Gold on the right. I believe the K&N is the most expensive if bought retail - $18.00. I get them free with the local oil deals -- recently I have been getting the Pennzoil SYN that comes with the basic Purolator filter. The Toyota filter like the basic Purolator. Most without the separate cap are glued -- the K&N looks to be either a better formed glue or a thin plastic. I don't think it makes any difference with a Prius.
Your comments on "inside" not matching he "outside" make me think that you may not realize that what you see on the "outside" is the filter housing. If you remove that housing (as if it was the old fashioned filter) that you would find the actual "filter" that you purchased "inside". Gen 3 is not like the older Gen 2 filters.
There is a difference between the box picture and the product, different glue zone. Maybe a supplier switch?
Your comments about "old-fashioned" spin-on oil filters make me think that you may not realize that back before spin-on filters were the latest innovation, circa the late 1950's, the older fashioned filters were cartridges, very much like today's in principle. However, they were generally much larger, included metal components, and fit inside a steel filter housing that you could easily open with an ordinary wrench.