Smell Like Play-Doh Without Smearing It On Yourself POSTED: 2:21 am EDT May 15, 2006 UPDATED: 2:26 am EDT May 15, 2006 PAWTUCKET, R.I. -- It's one of the most unique smells around. And now you can wear it. Hasbro is continuing its celebration of Play-Doh's 50th anniversary by releasing "Eau de Play-Doh," a perfume designed to smell just like the kids' modeling clay. Spokesman Gary Serby said Play-Doh's smell is one of its most enduring memories, and Hasbro figures smelling the perfume will transport people back to their childhood. It sells for $19 a bottle. Link to Article I wonder if Eau de Play-Doh will smell pretty similar to the way Play-Doh tastes? Kinda saltyish...
LOL. I was always fond of the taste and smell of Play-Doh! Might just give it a try for the fun of it.
oooooooohhhhhh, theres just something very erotic about smearing Playdough on each other LOL , this really sounds cool where do the sell it? I could see $4-$8 but not $19...
That's some funny shizzle... I don't know though, depending upon how it mixes with someone's body scent, you could end up smelling like formaldehyde... h34r: