I am pretty sure that I saw led cup holder in some random Tube video of new Prius. Now I can't find it any more, so maybe that was all my imagination. Anyway, any ideas how to make a such modification to new Prius?
Thanks! It is possible that I saw those. According to my memory, cup holders was without black surroundings. Just faint light inside the holder. But it seems that there really exists some kind solutions. I was already thinking very little usb LED light. Socket is very close and it might lit whole cup holder area.
i try not to click on gen 4 threads, cause i'm so jealous, but i couldn't resist this one. those are so cool!!!
Yes. It is Gen 4. I did some searching on Google. The price is too high for me. According to the Modellista website (all in Japanese), the LED kit is for the cupholders and the shifter together. プリウス カスタマイズパーツ モデリスタセレクション | トヨタモデリスタ Using Google translate, there seems to be two prices listed, under manufacturer's suggested retail price in Japanese Yen. One number is 30,240 Yen (286 US Dollars) and the other number translates to consumption tax of 28,000 Yen (265 US Dollars) - I have no idea whether the consumption tax is part of the first number, or it would be added to the price. Does anyone know? I do like the white shifter with chrome, which is even more expensive! The blue LED for the antenna is interesting. Dual tailpipe for the exhaust too. What a website