So I just went on a field trip with my car and was followed by a fuel efficient non-hybrid Toyota. We went as high as 6000 feet in elevation and as low as 285 feet bellow sea level over the one day drive I used a full tank of gas and the other car used a bit more. When all was said and done I had a mileage of 43 mpg and the other was at a total of 21. I had 2 adults ,2 kids, a load of luggage and an assortment kids items. I also carryed all the water sodas, snacks and ice chests for both cars. The other car had 2 adults and 2 small over night bags. I know I had much more weight in my car and still held the better gas mileage. What can I say? This being the first road trip I have taken in my car I'm quite proud of it. It was easy to drive and in many ways made my trip so much better then any other vehicle I have ever owned. I cant wait to go on another. Anyways I just wanted to share what was a great trip and I will leave you with a photo from my trip.
I've seen several photo spreads of this special 'superbloom' spring. We just have to get down there to witness that, some year.
I drove prius from Houston Texas to Los Angeles, taking me two days, longest drive was from Houston to El Paso. I averaged 43 MPG, two children, two children car seats, two adults(driver & passenger), snacks, and luggage. Since it was my first long trip drive, I would think twice in doing another Los Angeles round trip. I learned alot about my prius and enjoyed scenery while driving to Los Angeles and back.
I drive to Cheyenne wy to Portland OR every Sunday and back on Friday for the last 4 weekends ... yes prius is an amazing car. But I average 42 mpg and I usually do 6 over the speed limits... and I do carry alot of items. Trunk is full and back seat as well