I can retire now, if I didn't have these bills... And children that are always needing some coins to "get by". I found this chart on another forum I frequent: This is for working for the Fed... I don't work for the Fed, my BIL and Sis do.
Somebody asked me just a few days ago what was going to do when I retire. I told them that I planned to go to my funeral. Work is pretty fun. When it stops being fun.......I'll seek other work. Maybe teaching.....maybe something else.
CSRS is the old pension retirement system for federal employees. It has been gone for at least 15 years. More recent hires are under FERS, which is kinda like a 401k. https://www.opm.gov/retirement-services/publications-forms/pamphlets/ri90-1.pdf
Ummmm... CSRS is what MY BIL and Sister currently have. I believe you are talking about folks in the new system because they were hired after my sis was employed for 5-7 years. Clark has been in since the 70's... he doesn't want to retire yet, cause he's still able to work as a powerplant operator.
When I retired in 2002, the guys asked: Jimbo what are you going to do when retired? I said I am going to do just what I do now except I will not attend meetings.
i retired last fall. at 61, i'm a great putterer, and never lack for things to putter. i had to save for my retirement, and make my savings last until i can no longer putter.
Same for me. My job isn't physical, so failing health won't be a problem. And I love it. And I work for myself anyway, so I don't have a boss breathing down my neck. As I get older, I might work less, and I'll take more time off for long holidays, but I certainly wouldn't stop. My father-in-law is in his 80s. He has tried to retire three times, and failed all three times. I think work for him is like smoking for other people: he just can't give up. I think I'll be similar, except that I won't even try to retire.
It seems a bit weird to be retired, while my dad is still working in his 80s. Well, he is sort-of working, still running the farm/ranch as best he can despite sharply reduced mobility and strength. Much of the work, and nearly all the muscle, come from the kids (two of us now retired, plus a still-working one living nearby) and a hired hand.
And so it is with federal employees not under the old CSRS system. Just seemed like a good, non-judgemental place to share this info.
i wasn't judging anyone or thing, just reporting my life experience. not sure what the thread is for.