Like the Yellow stickers, is there a time coming that Green stickers will no longer qualify for the CA HOV lanes? We bought a 2013 PIP Oct. 2013 for my wife to commute in. She had to wait until just last month (long delays ) before the morning commute HOV lane to opened up. (Livermore to Dublin east bound 580 Vasco Rd. to 680). She rarely is on the road home early enough in the evening to take advantage of the earlier opened west bound HOV. She loves the morning time savings she finally gets on her a.m. commute, though it took 2.5 years for the lane to become open. I appreciate her having the morning HOV perk (finally) now. I just wonder how long she will have it.
Yes someone confirm 2019 ends for Green, but there is some move to extend, so we should hear more by June 2016. Hopefully it will be extended for PiP2 making debut in NY next week. I suppose PiP1 could be in trouble if they set a certain EV-miles bar.
The HOV decals currently are set to expire Jan 1, 2019, both the white (alternate fuel, such as BEV) and green (plug-in hybrids). The limit for the green decals has been reached, but there is no limit for the white decals. I haven't heard of any law percolating through the state legislature to allocate more green decals. Given the crowded nature of the HOV lanes, we are lucky that the "excessive congestion" trigger to void all of the HOV decals hasn't happened, let alone allocating more green decals. There is some conjecture that if the expiration date is extended, it would be only for the white decals (which include Toyota's love, hydrogen fuel cell).
CharlesH is correct. In case you want the official word. Eligible Vehicles - Single Occupant Carpool Lane Use Stickers Helpful hint, if you have a Fastrak transponder, take it out of your car. These new HOT lane sensors are really powerful. I have the mylar bag but it slipped out. I paid for two months of HOV usage on the 680 Milpitas stretch before I found out. Your license plate can be registered to your account. Or get the new transponders.
I got the new transponders with the three way switch for all cars (and all plates are registered to boot). But only the Prius' is out of the bag and set for proper green sticker setting. So it looks like my wife will only get about 2.6 years of morning HOV lane use unless we get lucky and the legislature extends the existing green sticker eligebility for HOV lanes past Jan 1, 2019.
It's pretty unlikely the green stickers eligibility will be extended, especially considering that they are all sold out already.
Just purchased a PiP recently with green sticker. As I read through the CAV related article from DMV's page, I noticed this in their FAQ which I did not know before: 5. Q: I acquired a vehicle with CAV decals and transferred it into my name. Do I also have to transfer the CAV decal ownership into my name? A: Yes. If you purchase a vehicle with existing decals, you must transfer the decals to your name using the Application for Clean Air Vehicle Decal (REG 1000) (PDF). There is no cost provided that all required CAV decals are present on the vehicle. You will be issued a new CAV decal ID card with your name once your CAV decal transfer application is processed. Does any of you ever done this before? Sounds like I need to request an new ID card and transfer it under my name. Thanks in advance.
From "Mr. Roadshow" Gary Richards, traffic issues reporter, in the April 8, 2016 issue of the San Jose Mercury News: The proposed law can be tracked at
Huh, reading through that bill is pretty darn confusing. I'll need to read it a bit more before fully understanding it, but it seems like it's just geared towards getting people to buy new PHEVs every 3 years from a first glance. I think the bill mentioned in the following article makes much more sense (removes 85k cap for PHEVs, and extends expiration date for White Stickers until October 2025): California Mulls Unlimited HOV Lane Access For Plug-in Hybrids To 2019 And EVs To 2025
What do you expect from something written by lawyers. It is standard procedure for several different laws to be introduced in each house, and then there needs to be separate bills introduced in each house that have to be reconciled with whatever the other house passes. Eventually it all sorts out to one bill in each house, that hopefully say the same thing, and that the governor will sign.