Hi - I'm writing for the Globe and Mail newspaper, and I'm looking to talk with a Canadian driver who's just bought - or is about to buy - the new 4th-Generation Prius. If you're interested to talk with me, can you send me a note? Thanks! - Mark R.
Just picked up a prius with the upgrade package yesterday in Canada and it's been great so far. Bought the first car that came to the dealership
@zor , you interested? I'm not an owner of a Gen 4 (it's within the family so I get to drive it once in a while but it's not mine). @AshleyTPriusv : If you're interested in participating in the G&M article.
I haven't purchased my 2016 Prius yet. Hoping to get the base upgrade package! Let me know if I can help. Will be purchasing in 2-3 months... Waiting till I have saved a good down payment. (50% of the total cost of the car) Update: due to some unexpected circumstances I can't afford the 2016 Prius . Still obsessed with owning a Prius so I'll be looking into buying a used 2-4year old Prius.
Hi Mark , I may not have a 4th generation , but 2 2nd generation Prius 04 400+ km ,07 175km, and Camry 09 200km been in the Ottawa Citizen for commutes outside Ottawa , only had 04 Prius at that time we know that vehicules operation cost is very low $$$ on these Toyota Hybrids cheers
@WheelsMark Enough small talk: how to bypass the Globe and Mail site's paywall? Let me know, I won't pass it on.