... and liked what they saw - "Wall Street analysts have been touring Tesla’s massive factory in Fremont, Calif., and they're returning with the same conclusion: Elon Musk's electric-vehicle company is getting ready for something big. In a sign of this enthusiasm, Robert W. Baird & Co. upgraded its Tesla rating on Monday morning following a factory tour. " Wall Street Tours the Tesla Factory—and Loves What It Sees - Bloomberg Business
with a market cap of just over 1/2 of Ford's, they had better deliver something big or they're going to be in a world of trouble.
The latest came from Elon that we get to see a driving model 3 prototype on 3/31. That is big news, as it was speculated that we get to see pictures only earlier. I got a few shares, just not 140 when short sales pushed it down last monrh.
We have a pattern of tesla going down in december/january as all the shorts push it down and release fake bad news. Unfortunately I had too many shares to take advantage this year. I should have sold in december like last year. Now we are back to maybe over valued terratory. We should know soon depending on what gets anounced at the end of the month. I know I'm putting a down payment down. I have to wait until 4/1 since showrooms can't take deposits in my state, so I will be second in line. The killer rumor is it will have a bellow 0.22 cd which will help that highway range. Its also probably steel unibody, lower repair costs, but higher weight than an aluminum car.
some dope wrote an article (opinion page) about electric cars and tax rebates in usa today. must have been a schill for the oil lobby. he was trying to get people to believe that they are paying taxes to elon musk, as if there were no tax incentives in the petroleum industry. as much as i dislike the way wall street operates sometimes, i'm glad they can see through the fud.
The auto industry does indeed receive more tax payer money than oil companies. I belive number 1 is GM, number 2 is Toyota in the US. You couldn't tell by all the wining, but toyota has received far more us taxpayer money than ford or tesla. or exxon or chevron. Without the opinon piece its hard to know whether the guy has a point or not. Telsa has no gas guzzlers, no hummer rule tax breaks, didn't qualify for cash for clunkers, in fact no rules were written for it, it simply has been able to take advantage of rules put forth to help other automakers.
nothing wrong with the petroleum industry ... after all - how we gonna run all those millions of hydrogen cars if not for natural gas & other carbon based goodies. .
Um, uh ... bout time to thread Tesla Model 3's reveal March 31st (yes, this year) eh? Seems big enough news to end up in this section.