Mine says HCKY VLY (hockey valley) but it is completely irrelevant to the car itself. It's a local thing.
A Tennessee woman loves tofu so much that she thought her license plate should reflect that, but when she tried to get a customized plate, the Department of Motor Vehicles told her it was too vulgar. Whitney Calk, a vegan and lover of tofu, wanted her license plate to read “ILVTOFU” to show her love of the food, but when she requested it with the DMV, officials denied her, saying that they didn’t want people to think it meant “I love to f***,” rather than “I love tofu.” “All I’m trying to do is spread a pro-vegan message with my license plate,” said Calk. Calk received a letter from the state letting her know that her license plate request had been denied, and when she called to ask why, an employee told her the honest reason. "She let me know it was rejected due to vulgarity,” Calk said. “It just seemed logical to change my license plate to something I believed in.” Others have reportedly tried to get the same “ILVTOFU” license plate in different places and have been rejected for the same reason. Calk says that friends tried to suggest other things that could promote her message and love of tofu, but ultimately, she decided not to keep pursuing it because she didn’t want to “compromise with what was written.” Sources: Daily Mail, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, USA Today, Detroit Free Press
I'm okay with having a couple of things on the back of my old cars, but anything newer including my Prius, will not be touched by a bumper sticker and a personalized plate is just weird to me. Whatever you cram on a plate you could of done so much better with a personalized bumper sticker if you wanted it that much. Now my old Jeep with a big back window had plenty of room for this sticker though...