Hi all. I was playing with my radio and was concerned i could not balance the sound from the front to the back. Counted the speakers - could only find 6. Toyota says 10. Went onto JBL's web site. they have a specific page for the 2016 Prius - says 10 speakers but the speaker location guide on the same page shows 7. The one I missed is under a seat. Called JBL Tech services - they left me on hold for 12 minutes. Calling Toyota.
This was one of the differences I noted when comparing the US version of the new model and the one available here in Belgium. For some reason, the JBL premium sound system comes with 10 speakers in the US, but only 8 here in Belgium. I wonder which outlet is missing - and why? Guessing the dual one under the seat...
I really like my JBL in my Touring 4. None of my disappointments in the car have been related to the sound.