Black #8 ordered 2/7 Lockport, NY

Discussion in 'Order Tracking' started by efusco, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    If your mind is set on gray then your options are, indeed, limited. Realize that being so specific about color and package will, in all likelyhood, significantly lengthen your wait. The tan really doesn't look bad though I remember it seemed awefully light colored when I first saw it and was concerned about staining. I tell you now that after >7 months of experience I've seen zero complaints about staining or dirt with the tan and have had no problems of my own despite spilling strawberry Smoothies and lots of other stuff on my interior.

    That is not possible and your salesman should have known that. Also, I know nothing about an audible alarm on the package #9...I don't believe there is one unless you get a special additional package. I've certainly never had my car alarm in 7 months. I haven't broken out a window or tried to force a door, but there are certainly no false alarms. If you want the full airbag package go for package #9, the alarm is not an issue...period.

    I don't wish to discourage you, but I suspect they're blowing smoke very high up into your colon. Also, remember, that just b/c there may be only two people in front of you that doesn't mean much of anything. If the next car that comes in is a Black #8 with tan interior and the two in front are waiting for fusia package #3s then you'll have your car immediately. OTOH, if none of the next 20 cars that come in over the next 8 months are black or package 8 (a distinct possiblity) you're still going to be waiting.

    My point is, if you can be flexible on your package/color choices, then do, it will clearly make your chances of getting a car sooner much better. Also, drop in one day and ask to actually see the physical list of customers with orders. See what packages are ahead of you. Ask how many cars are actually being allocated to that dealership each month. Ask how many package #8 in black they've gotten. I think you'll find it eye opening b/c in all likelyhood they're not telling you everything...I'm particularly suspicious b/c your salesman clearly lacks knowledge about the car. If, OTOH, they say yea, we're getting 7 cars allocated monthly and you are, truely, 3rd on the list then you can rest easy and start making plans to get your car soon.
  2. edrum

    edrum New Member

    May 11, 2004
    Rochester, NY
    At the time, what we were talking of was doing package 8 and 2 together. Seems to me I remember being able to do that on Toyots's web site back then. But I don't have that option now. I guess I need to make another phone call.

    As to the color, I wanted red. However I didn't want a tan interior. Toyota has only two paint schemes, white and black, that include a tan interior. Not a very good selection. And I don't want white. So all that was left was black. I don't at all like this packaging scheme Toyota has. I guess I'm spoiled by domestic makers who will give you what you want. This is my first venture into a japanese car. So far........
  3. kjb516

    kjb516 New Member

    Jan 26, 2004
    Troutdale, OR
    I can personally attest to the advantages of flexibility. I began my wait late January for a Salsa or Silver package #1. After three and a half months with no word from the dealer, I dropped my color preference for ANY color.

    Another month went by with no word, at which point, I spoke with the fleet manager (had enough “smoke†from the salespeople). After getting the full run down on who was in front of me, what packages they were waiting for and what the dealer was receiving, it became clear that I’d be waiting for a LONG time (another 8 –12 months). By opening up my options to the #7 and any color, I jumped from around tenth on the list to #1!

    Two days later the dealer called and offered me a #9, but declined as they are getting another allocation (including 7’s) in three weeks. By expressing my willingness to compromise, I now have first dibs on new arrivals and the dealer has shown much more interest in me as a customer.
  4. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    That was never an option...I think you had better call and change to package #9.

    You are correct, it makes little sense to me why someone can't order any interior package with any exterior package, but that's what they chose to do. Again, I think the tan holds up well and looks quite good, but if you don't like it I won't try to convince you to change your taste.
  5. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Get the package you want, the color you want, and change the seat covers. Get leather, buy the Toyota grey seat covers, do whatever - just don't change the heart and soul of your car over the seat color.

    That's probably one of the easiest things to change.
  6. edrum

    edrum New Member

    May 11, 2004
    Rochester, NY
    I've got a call into the dealer to see what is up. Probably what would happen is that I'd get a #8 car eventually without the side airbags. However I have been considering moving to a #9. Anyone got $1500 I can borrow?

    I'm really not that picky about the car color. I'd like to get something that isn't the same color as every other car I have ever owned, namely blue and gray. It's too bad the can't be a little more creative with the interior colors.

    I saw the salsa red at a car show. My brother was telling me that it was the color teenage girls have on their car, but he never saw it on the car. Salsa red is nice!

    I'll talk to the dealer and see what they have to say.
  7. edrum

    edrum New Member

    May 11, 2004
    Rochester, NY
    I got a call from the dealer this morning. They have a black/gray #9 available at the end of the month. I snapped it up before he could finish his sentence.

    It was funny, because I had left him a message Thursday in regards to the comments everyone was saying about not being able to mix packages. He was just calling me this morning telling me about the availabilty of this particular car and whether I wanted it. He must either be psychic or he reads this forum. Probably the first because he wasn't sure what all the options meant, and most people here know the Prius inside out.

    Anyone wanna buy a tired, smoke spewing, oil burning 95 Saturn?
  8. efusco

    efusco Moderator Emeritus
    Staff Member

    Nov 26, 2003
    Nixa, MO
    2004 Prius
    Oh, oh, me please, can I....really!! :wink:

    Great job and congratulations on the Package #9, you're gonna be very happy you went that route....
  9. edrum

    edrum New Member

    May 11, 2004
    Rochester, NY
    Supposedly my new car is set to arrive at the dealership Thursday. Well I guess I have no reason to doubt them. They are just going by what Toyota tells them. We'll see. They said it will take about a day for dealer prep. I should have it by Saturday.

    I was riding in my brother's '01 prius over the weekend. I like the "stealth mode" feature in which you can sneak up on someone on only electric motor. I think the car needs a louder horn.
  10. edrum

    edrum New Member

    May 11, 2004
    Rochester, NY
    It's now due to be ready by next Monday or Tuesday. The dealer has the VIN # and I've sent in all the info to transfer the registration from ol' smokey. I was sort of hoping it would be done by this weekend so I wouldn't have to drive out to the dealer on weeknight. The logistics involved with having a kid in daycare and a wife at work and not trading in the old car makes it a bit difficult to figure out how to get to the place with everyone in tow. It will all fall into place. It always does. :wink:
  11. edrum

    edrum New Member

    May 11, 2004
    Rochester, NY
    The dealership called Saturday and it's in! I'm going to pick it up Tuesday evening. Just a tad under 5 months. I guess that's not too bad. I wasn't expecting it until August.
  12. edrum

    edrum New Member

    May 11, 2004
    Rochester, NY
    Guess what? The interior in ivory. :roll: Oh well. When I told the salesman that we had expected grey, I think he started to panic. He got awfully quiet for a minute, but we resolved things. If I was going to get an ivory interior, I would have preferred salsa red. Oh well. I took it. I drove it home last night an got 50.1 MPG on a 1 1/2 hour trip on country and city roads as well as some expressway. Probably a good mix.
  13. madams

    madams New Member

    Jun 24, 2004
    Cary, IL
    Just happy to get it!

    My wife and I ordered our Prius November 22, 03 and we ordered package 6 Salsa. Well we received a call from our dealer and he said that we are at top of the waiting list and there is a Black, package 9 coming in within the next 2 weeks and wanted to know if we wanted that rather than wait for the possibility of what we ordered to come in . . . . . . . Geeee, I really like the Black . . . . Salsa wasn't that important anyway . . . . and I really like all the cool stuff you get with the package 9 anyway. :p :p I WANT THAT PRIUS!!!
  14. edrum

    edrum New Member

    May 11, 2004
    Rochester, NY
    If you can afford it, you might as well go for it. I've been sitting down with the manual looking at all the things the nav system does. I think they should include a class in beginning and advanced Prius operation!

    You will probably get a #9 much faster than other models. They seem to make more of those. And from what I hear, there are more blacks and whites available than other colors.