I'm sorry if this topic has already been discussed but I cannot find a way of searching within forums. I have a Verizon Wireless Samsung Galaxy S5. This is supposed to be Qi Wireless compatible according to what I've found doing an Internet search, but it doesn't charge. I took off the case, but it still doesn't charge. Toyota sales rep didn't know anything about it. I called Verizon and they called Samsung --- nobody can tell me whether my phone should work with the Qi wireless pad in my Toyota. they hadn't even heard of it. The Verizon Wireless rep did go to the qi wireless website and he said it looks like I have to buy an additional card to put in my phone. Does anybody here know anything about it?
Did you turn the wireless charger pad on? There's an on/off button next to it. If it's on, a green light will illuminate. If it's charging, an orange light will illuminate. According to Android Central, the S5 is on the list of phones with Qi wireless charging.
Yes, I turned it on and it has a green light. When I put the phone on the pad, it didn't change (no orange light and no charging indicator on the phone). I thought it might have been the case so took off the case, but it still didn't charge.
My s5 required a different case backing, back, to work with the wireless charger, each were not free, my s7 works with the s5 wireless charger, my gen 4 isn't in my hands yet, (in transit) so the question is did you wirelessly charge your s5?
Are you asking me? I hadn't tried to charge the S5 wirelessly until I bought the new Prius. The Prius has a Qi charging pad in the console. Are you saying I have to get a different back for the phone as well as a different case?
S5 does not charge wireless you need an S6 I have ones works great with the wireless charging pad in the car.
S5 did not come stock with wireless charging. You have to buy the accessory. S6 and up comes with it stock. Might be better to upgrade your phone instead.
Thanks, Tideland Prius. This is disappointing. Maybe I should get a new phone but the one I have isn't that old. Isn't the S6 really big?
The S6 is actually smaller in every dimension including weight except for height which means the S6 is easier to hold with one hand.
I was planning also to upgrade whole phone but then decided to go with bit cheaper upgrade. Adding QI capapbility to my current iPhone. Works fine. Just need Prius to be arrived Below some ideas and experiences how to do this. Thirsty Nerd: iPhone wireless charging
Would be funnier if you upgraded your car because of your phone! That's actually what people do when they have children. Spend $300 on a car seat that fits or buy an SUV?
Buy an SUV. Even if you the carseat fits, it's such a pain bending over to fit the child into in a sedan!
My Spigen Tough Armor Volt case for iPhone 6s came today. Seems to work fine in my Prius 4T. Also bought the charging stand, both were at an attractive price on eBay oddly through the Spigen store on eBay. Almost half the price of their own website. The case is a little larger than my previous case but looks to provide better protection in event of dropping.
To have it work with wireless charging the S5 does have to have a special little insert in back of the phone that fits on the prongs near the battery. I tried a couple different brands could never really get it to work right so I upgraded to S7, works most of the time if I hit a bump or it shifts a little I notice it won't charge even though the light is orange. Good luck.
As mentioned, the Galaxy S5 is wireless charging compatible, but requires an accessory back or case for it to work.
I found the case from Samsung for the S5... but it's getting rare and that means more expensive. It does work very well, especially with the Samsung Qi charge bases (not the quick ones)
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 does work with the charger with no addons, even in my Otterbox commuter case. Just brought the new 2016 home and we try it out in the parking lot of the dealer during setup. Surprised the salesman who thought we need the special case.
I purchased a throw away ($39) Android phone a month before I purchased my Prius. I can only use a cell phone while driving since I don't get service where I live. I didn't think I'd get such a capable touch phone. purchased a Qi charger for it that slips in behind the phone and the back of the case. It does plug into the micro USB port of the phone. It charges fine. I've heard that if your phone has a metal back, the wireless charging may not work so I purchased a soft case for it. You can find these little charger things on Amazon for about $10.