I have a 2012 Prius V, and somehow A tin of Altoids has fallen behind the drawer, (hidden drawer) of the center console. Does anyone know how to remove the drawer to access behind it? I can't see any catch or release to trigger releasing the drawer. I also think accessing it by opening up the whole console from the top is risky as the EV, ECO, and PWR mode buttons are wired into it. Anyone have any ideas here? Thanks in advance.
We crushed some pretzels with the secret door, and it bugged the heck out of me (especially because it was a new-to-me car.) I pulled on the upper cupholder, which unsnapped it, and I was able to get a vacuum down in there. The cables for EV/ECO/PWR mode are short, but long enough that if you're careful you won't disconnect anything.
Anyone figured out how to remove the hidden drawer without removing the whole center console yet? I spilled some coffee and want to take it out and clean it.