This is probably a dumb question. I won't let that stop me, though. Is there any reason(s) not to run my fog lights all the time? They only come on when the headlights do, so it wouldn't be ALL the time. But, I like the way it looks, both looking at the car, and when driving, with them on. I'm unable to think of any reasons. But, this is the first time I ever had fog lights on a car. If this is the wrong place to ask, please let me know.
Your 2013 Prius has daytime running lights, so using fog lights all the time is redundant and it loads the electrical system a bit more. Your fog lights wear out quicker too.
If you're in Australia - it's an offense. I think the fine is about $120. The other thing is, they're annoying other drivers, particularly on wet roads. Instead of seeing just 2 headlights, plus 2 reflections off the wet road, there will be 4 lights plus 4 reflections - and if DRLs are on as well, it's just annoying.
I don't see any problem using fogs as DRL. It depends if the police in your area harass drivers for this. They don't in my area. You just need to connect the fog relay To the other DRL circuit. I have 2016 4 without any fog lights, so I need to add it in as an after market.
DRLs are all very well. although they tend to dilute any benefits of motorcyclists running with their headlights on all the time. I turn my headlights on whenever they're needed for me to see, or be seen! What I find annoying is folk who park their car, and leave their lights on! OK, I realise they turn off automatically, but only after they've succeeded in blinding me (whether I'm walking or cycling or driving). My rule is car stopped == headlights off! I like having total control of all the features I consider to be important.
I had the same idea, because I also like the look, and I don't think they are so bright or pointed in such a way that they will blind another driver, but at first I did not realize that they will turn off whenever the high beam lights turn on. At one point, I was using the fog lights as well as the automatic high beams, and I would often see the high beams coming on for a moment then switch off, only to come on again a moment later. I can't help but think so much switching cannot be good for the electronics and bulbs of the fog lights. Perhaps the high beam lights are better engineered for frequent switching. The bottom line is: I've decided to not use the fog lights when I'm on a highway where the high beams may be switching off and on frequently, but I will continue to use the fog lights around town, where I don't usually need high beams. In fact, I've pretty much decided to stop using the automatic high beams period. It just seems the technology has not developed sufficiently to always make the correct decision about when to turn the high beams on and when to turn them off.
Don’t drive with your fog lights on unless you are driving low speeds because of fog. The reason is that you should be looking down the road rather than immediately in front of your bumper. Your eyes adjust to the most prominent light. If your fog lights are on, the most prominent light is just in front of your bumper rather than further down the road. You want to see things as soon as possible so you want obstacles to appear as far away from you as possible so you have maximum reaction time. iPhone ?