Hi all, I've gained so much valuable info from this forum, ever since purchasing my prius a couple of years ago... It's my first time really needing help, so any at all is appreciated!!! 2012 Prius, Nav non jbl.... My speakers stopped working the other day, everything appears normal, volume controls, checked whatever associated fuses I could think of from the wiring diagrams. My next step would be to find the Amplifier, possibly change it, or check the connectors, but I can't find it. Anybody know where it's located?
There's a great sticky thread here that explains how to remove the head unit, replace the speakers, etc. 2010 Toyota Prius model II Head Unit Upgrade | PriusChat My car is a 2012 Prius Plug-in Base, which has the same audio system as yours. In your car, there is no external amp. The amplifier is in the head unit. I think you've blown a fuse, either inside the head unit itself, or in your car's fusebox. There are two fuseboxes. One is near the parking brake, and one is inside the engine compartment. In the engine compartment, there's a 30A fuse at location 10, and another at location 27. I just went downstairs and pulled both of these fuses, and the audio still plays. So this leads me to believe that hte fuses are there for the higher-end modes which have external amplifiers. There is also fuse location 34, which I haven't tested yet. And in the panel near the parking brake, location 29 also powers the audio system, but I doubt this is blown because it powers many other things such as the glove box light and the clock. If I understand what you're saying... the radio works fine, you can use the nav screen, the touch screen functions, but no sound comes out of the speakers, correct? One other possibility... it could be that your antenna died. These cars have a powered antenna and it can die. So maybe the amp is fine, but you're playing from the radio or satellite, and it simply isn't getting any signal. So you could pop in a CD and try to play it to see if the amp is working.
Thanks for the tips! I checked every fuse in both locations, and all are fine. Also no sound with cd. I will pull the head unit on Thursday and see if there's any way to change a fuse in it, although wouldn't it not work at all of the fuse is open? Man it really blows driving work no radio! BTW thanks a bunch for checking if those fuses power the speakers, I wish I could be of help one day! I'll keep this thread updated as to what the fix is eventually, hopefully it will help somebody else in the future.
There could be a blown fuse inside the radio unit itself. To disassemble the dash, you'll begin with the plastic piece surrounding your shift knob. You pull it straight up. No tilting. Just straight up. It's amazing to take that dash apart. It's like interlocking Lego pieces. It's definitely not difficult. The first post in the thread I linked to shows exactly how to remove the radio unit.
Oh. I thought that if he had a "non-JBL", it means that there is no external amp. But there's a lot in this world that I do not know...
I got the nav unit out...I'm going to take the back panel off of the nav unit, as I believe the speakers are powered directly through it, as it lists the ohms for the speakers on the unit itself. I opened it up and couldn't find any fuses on the circuit board.... Where could I find a decent Aftermarket unit that runs android software?
I just found this replacement head unit listed on Craigslist for only $80. Snag it! Prius stereo with touch screen and Entune
I would do it but I'm on the east coast. Thanks for looking out! I might buy an android hu, where does everybody buy theirs?
munsoned, did you ever resolve this issue? I am having the same issue with my 2009 prius. all speakers stopped working except the tweeters.
Hi! Just bought an '09 and have the same issue. Before I reinvent the wheel, what did it turn out to be on your car? Thanks in advance! BJH
I got the same I have the same issue going on with my 2009 Prius. Have you figured it out? Only the little twitters work. The four in-door speakers all went out at the same time. Can't figure it out. Looking into buying a new stereo.
Anyone with an answer here? I'm devastated, as my last Prius had its Cat converter stolen, so i finally received my newer 2015 Prius today. I was very excited, but come to find out the speakers do not work at all. They worked when I drove it for the first time, then suddenly stopped within a few minutes. I'm not too smart in trying to figure out the mechanics. I have the JBL system, and would love to know exactly how to check the amp connection. Does anyone know of a video I can watch to show me step-by-step how to check the connections?