Hey gang! I don't post a lot, but have read and interacted privately with some. But today I need some quick help. Took 2007 prius to a dealer for 100,000 mile checkup, and long story short, they LOST MY KEY (FOB). I'm not posting which dealer yet, as I want to see how they make good on this first. But my question: They will pay for new key FOB for me, and said that once they "program" it with my car, that my lost key will no longer work (so no one out there could just find me from address and use the key)....but is that adequate security-wise? What about the little manual key that is tucked in the side of the FOB, could not someone take that and get entry to my car? Maybe they could not DRIVE it, but I would not be protected against entry and theft....maybe? I'm not sure about this, as this is my first car that was not just a plain-old-key car, which is why I hope some here with experience will know. I did have a spare key, full FOB, which is how I got car back home today. The service guy babbled to me a bunch of stuff I could not fully take in, about how my current spare will be OK, and they'll make a new one (at no charge of course), and that once they program it the car will no longer respond to the lost key.....that sounds fine and all except when I later thought about how someone with the old key could use the plain-old-metal key portion and get entry to my Prius. Is that right? I'd like to get this done soon, as to not be driving around with a key floating out there somewhere.
It is correct that the old FOB will not work, but yes the key could still open the car if they were to match the key to your car. It should be ok, as presumably it is "lost" within their workshop. I'd insist that the FOB be return if in the event it is found again. As far as I am aware, if the car is unlocked with the physical key, the alarm will still go off, so it is not totally unsafe. But yeah, I totally get where you are coming from.
Yes, "within their workshop", but in a way that's worse because any of the workshop people could easily see/find my real address from the service work-order papers. And possibly hand it to an accomplice or even friend-of-friend-of friend, and then I get a break in and contents or even HV battery stolen (I've had a smash window breakin before just to steal contents). Maybe that's too pessimistic thinking of me, but it's hard not to think that scenario is just about as likely as some random mistake and key lost in a place where all they do all day is move cars in and out of service, so really should have an almost 0 chance of losing the key!!!!!
You can demand that they rekey the driver's door with a completely different key. They won't like it and won't want to do it, but they are liable for it. Make sure that they deleted the lost fob from the immobilizer and remote ECUs, so the loat fob can not remotely unlock and start your car.
The risk to reward ratio for this would make no sense to even the most obtuse thief. They're not going to steal a FOB so they can later swoop in and abscond with the CDs and extra McD napkins in your glove box -- it's not worth the gas to drive over to your house. If it was taken nefariously, it would be more likely they wanted the FOB itself to reprogram to another car. I would just get the replacement from the dealership and not give it another thought.
Two things. Everyone else is correct that the old blade will open your car unless it is rekeyed. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you, but if you are worried, you could demand for them to rekey it. You should have two fobs. It's always a good idea. You're lucky it was the dealership who lost your key and not you. If you had lost it, this would be a much bigger headache than it already is. I would recommend getting a backup.
You're right that the FOB itself is most likely the target in and of itself. But you're wrong about no thief wanting to swoop in, etc. I've had a window smash/grab just last year, and it's unfortunately not all that rare here in nice areas of LA. The airbags I guess fetch decent money on black market, as well as $1000-1500 for the HV battery, which are even getting ripped out of Prii fairly quickly these days....and, gee, imagine if you are already working, Toyota trained on Prius, and wanted to go dark-side and supplement your income by getting HV or airbags and just go on craigslist and resell or for your own use. Not that obtuse, in my view. I'm going for total new cyclinder lock in the door and FOB. Oh, and I never do McD's napkins as Carl's Jr's are WAY softer and beat Charmin in absorbancy tests, etc.!!!!!! So my napkins would be a PRIME target!! Merged Thanks, Johnny. I'm going for full rekey. Oh, and I DID have two FOBs; that's how I was able to get back in car, after dealer drove me home and I found my spare. I do have a fob/key now, but want them to replace my SPARE, as well as secure me against the plain-old metal key that is floating around out there.
then they are going to have to reprogram your old fob as well, and cut you two keys. is there a manual lock on the passenger side as well?
Thanks to all. I got my new fob, as well as reprogram that took out the lost key. And got completely new metal keys and lock assembly. I did not have to fight in the least and did not have to pay a dime. Interestingly, if anyone is interested, the invoiced total cost parts and labor was written as $729.
$ 729 for a door lock, a new FOB, and probably some ECU byte cleaning. It does include the labor cost. . . . Yep, well worth half an ounce of gold. . This sounds like the work of HV battery thieves. They are stockpiling batteries for the prepper market. . . . Tesla has armed guards at their battery warehouse.