Hi everyone this is a performance survey for rebuilt traction batteries, if you previously rebuilt your pack (or purchased a rebuilt pack) please spare a minute to let us know how its going. - Please note vehicle year, mileage and area (or climate if you don't want to reveal your area) - How long your rebuilt pack has been in service (months/miles) is it still going strong or did it fail again? - Did You rebuild the pack personally (if so please include method) or purchase one from a battery rebuilder? This is a survey not a help thread if you have a problem please find a relative thread or start one! Cheers Matt
2004 Prius Battery replaced at 195k miles 3/2011 after 7 years on the original HV battery Reinvolt (precurser to Dorman) by Taylor Automotive Installed by My Toyota dealer in CT Still running fine at 285k miles 5 years after installation (90k miles on the rebuilt battery)
have an 05 not sure how long the battery lasted but at least 11 years and 330k miles speedometer has been stuck 299999 since Sept 14 just had the battery replaced in Feb by Greentec Auto in Raymore MO. Got lucky as they are only about 30 minutes from where I live. I was able to drive about two weeks from the time I got the battery code until it quit. When the code came up there really wasn't much difference in the performance other than the battery would lose charge and gain charge really quickly. On the way over to get it replaced though it gave up the ghost and I had to drive the last 4 miles limping along without it.
Thanks for replies .. Hi jdenenberg, our 08 also done 7 year on its first battery but 475,000km took its toll. 5 years on the replacement is great! are the reinvolt batteries actually new or rebuilt ? Hi Scargi01 ..330k miles is an awesome effort you must have really looked after your car, we live in a really hilly town with hot summers and cold winters, battery takes a beating, when our 08 battery failed we noticed the ice working so much harder than it normal would to propel the car this was the main performance difference, if you drive in hilly terrain with a bad battery its blatantly obvious somethings very wrong. We also noticed the battery going top to bottom on the mfd in no time at all, floor the car up a hill and could watch the battery graph on mfd go from 7-8 bars to 1-2 almost instantly. ecvt eats up all the power that poor little ice can provide, feels a bit like a manual car with a slipping clutch. Really keen to find out exactly how long a decent rebuilt pack might last
05 battery failed at around 118 k rebuilt did not last long not realable. Bought a dorman 1305 after core return.I installed it @ 120 k still going strong a 40 k miles later 17 months ago works great
ReInVolt was the brand name of batteries that were rebuilt by Taylor Automotive of Sanford NC. They were bought out by Dorman. JeffD
Hi kinglew, the battery that failed, was it a professionally rebuilt battery or a home wack together? do you know what chargers/method was used to do the job? Hi jeffD .. 90k miles / 5 years on a rebuilt battery, that's pretty darn good! wonder what process they use for rebuilding, do they use new modules or processed and conditioned used modules. cheers
Dave Taylor developed a sophisticated system that analyzed and balanced large numbers of used battery modules from late model salvage batteries. At the time mine was rebuilt, he was using 2009 modules. He then carefully selected sets of 28 of those modules that had matching characteristics, charged them to the same voltage and installed them into a refurbished chassis. He then tested the assembly before shipping or installation. JeffD
Rebuilt Prius batteries are generally made with used modules. Unless of course you buy a brand new pack, strip the modules out of it and put them in a used case. There are aftermarket new modules, but you couldn't mix those in with a used pack due to the mismatch in IR and capacity.
JeffD that's interesting 2009 modules at that time would have been almost brand new anyway! smart buying. How they ever sourced such a large amount of used 2yo modules is beyond me. Hi Eric, that's news to me! I was under the impression the only aftermarket modules available to date are the D cell variety not prismatic
Home done cells replaced charge balance read all post.other cells started going bad .need a a realable battery good warranty dorman works well 17 months 40 k miles and counting .