You have to ask yourself, in the ownership experience, What do you value? If the attributes are mostly related to driving "feel", then probably "advantage Corolla". BUT the only way you can really tell is to go test drive both. Just a couple weeks ago at the Auto Show I was very impressed with a Corolla Sport Model. It looked great, the fit and finish seemed very nice, especially in relationship to price, if I was looking for an affordable, reliable, and seemingly fun to drive vehicle I'd definitely have Corolla on the list. Combining driving feel with Swiss Army Knife like utility and flexibility? My 2010 Honda Fit was great. I suppose on some level, I just feel you shouldn't compare Hybrid to Non-Hybrid. I kind of believe if you want a Hybrid, it being a hybrid has to be an overriding factor. If it's not enough of a factor to make the decision? Then the decision is made in the other direction.
We supported ya!! Most came from Cambridge, Ontario plant in Canada. The rest from Japan. Of course, when the Mississippi plant eventually opened, some production went there. They're moving the Cambridge production to Mexico. They're replacing the Corolla with another Lexus model (I forget which.. NX or ES maybe?)
I remember when Toyota ditched the Fremont plant, I swore I would never buy a new Corolla, never did but when Toyota moved their HQ from California for Texas, well, I just couldn't give up on all Toyota least my Avalon is assembled in Kentucky.
Camry and Venza are also made in TMMK. Tacoma and Tundra are made in San Antonio. Toyota ditched the Fremont plant cause GM bailed out on their half and left Toyota with the full burden of the union issues.