Hi there, I know I don't have the car yet however I'm already thinking of things I can do to it to make it mine. One thing I love about the uper trims is all the white shiny plastic stuff where the cup holders are.. In the 2016 prius 2 upgraded trim its all non shiny black plastic which I don't really like. I was wondering if there is a way to cover that black plastic with the white shiny stuff.
You may want to wait a bit. The porcelain palace interior has mixed reviews, and it may be possible to trade your more traditional black interior bits with other people, or buy them outright from an aftermarket vendor. Six months from now Ebay might have some white interior components at bargain basement prices. Good Luck!
Thank you for the one answer! Now can someone tell me how to delete the thread so that I don't have to deal with the "LOL" replies *Edited* No reason to delete your thread, it can continue with helpful/serious replies now that it has been cleaned up
ashley, there are no known current mods for covering the black with white, but you could certainly be an innovator. check out some of the mod threads. those guys do amazing things, and just about anything seems possible. you are not alone, many in japan favor the white over the black, and some new owners here like it as well. all the best!
I hope someone does come up with something more customizable instead of the black overlay. I'd like to see some color or pattern options to give the inside a little extra personality.
I think it's fair to say that overall the white porcelain looking trim hasn't been met with stellar support in the USA. Most people seem to not like it. BUT... Like most things in this arena, I think the hatred is overblown. If I owned or was buying a white Prius, I think I'd actually want the white trim. One persons "Porcelain Palace" look, is another's upscale "White Piano Key" look. To the OP? If you like it? Don't be daunted in your attempt to obtain it I actually think it might be a little difficult. As most people are going in the opposite direction and wanting to cover the white.
I just brought home my 2016 Prius Four Touring. I didn't mind the white at all when I test drove it. My dealer already had applied a black appliqué over the console area that covered most of the white plastic. I was kind of disappointed because I liked the uniqueness of the white plastic. But, I think the black looks fine too so I didn't ask to have it removed and I lent plan to remove it (the price was low enough that I felt like I didn't pay for that). So, I get where you're coming from. I don't think it's crazy either way. Some like it and some don't. I think some of the ways people express the hatred is a bit extreme. It's not like the console is covered in garish designs or something hideous. It's just white.