If you pay more attention to cars, or what people say about cars than you pay to the ladies in your life, then of course you're going to have trouble getting dates. Cars are a dude thing, mostly....and ladies that are car enthusiasts tend to gravitate away from the cars that your buddies at work are probably telling you that you should be driving. It's been my humble experience that women want to be treated like they're a little more special than a transportation appliance that is going to be smelly, obsolete, and worth nearly nothing in a few years. Yeah. Ladies will give a second look at some guy driving some (more expensive) cars but generally speaking guys screw that up too. If I drove around in fire-engine red Jag F-type, I'd garner no special attention because I've been married long enough not to have the stench of desperation about me. Ladies would think that I was driving my son-in-law's car....or if I were single and on the hunt the same ladies would roll their eyes and think: "He's trying WAAAAAY too hard!!" In other words: It's not the car. Sorry.
The only thing that gets a woman's attention about a guy with fancy sports cars is the man has money. Infer what you will.
I have no prblem with women, but then i do not call them girls. Treating them as equals will attract the women i like.
PUPPIES did someone say PUPPIES!!! I love puppies! Depending on the gender you are trying to attract... I agree in general, but I have no problem with being called a girl in certain social situations, as long as I am not treated as a "helpless girl." I still cherish the day a few years ago when my father-in-law was ranting to my father and myself about a family trip and how all the "girlies" could go shopping and do their make-up while the men went off to do important men things. Showing respect, I did not say anything, but I was seething. However, my father said, "You have it wrong. Kris is not a girlie-girl and she can probably out-work any of us." Dad got a big hug and kiss for that! Kris
Girls and the Prius: First you need to take "iPhone" out of your profile signature. Any woman who sees that repeated over and over would start wondering. Second, as indicated above, it's about your projected confidence, which should be increasing over time as you succeed in your school, career or life efforts. Third your car, house, body and clothes should be clean and comfortable. Finally, if you don't talk to them they don't know who or what you are. Plus women are as different in personality as men, some will like you - some won't, and a lot of them are already in relationships.
…and you're complaining? Your statement reminds me of the old joke (Max Miller, I believe): Said the Good Little Girl to the Bad Little Girl, "…it's awfully hard to be good!" …said the Bad Little Girl to the Good Little Girl, "…it's got to be hard to be good!"
Ancient thread revival, but I'll bite. . . . All I can say is if you use a car as a fishing lure, you need a really big pole. Girls, cars, high school, yeah it was true then and even later but if they were that shallow to be attracted by "just" a car, I was't interested because they weren't going to keep me interested long.
An automobile tends to be discussed more between men in my experience. Once in a great while I'll receive a compliment from a woman on my car (not the Prius), which makes me nervous at best.
I confess, I like reading about cars. For example, I'll never own a Lexus LFa, but I find them interesting, because I know someone who worked on the team that built it. Paying a lot of money for a car/pickup truck/SUV and expecting someone to be impressed by it seems silly to me. Posted via the PriusChat mobile app.
I think it starts when children are very young. One of my daughter's was stereotypically feminine and the other was all for you cars, cowboy guns and other typical boy's toys. She's married now with two kids of her own and dresses her daughter in pinks.
Depends where you live, I got a lot more play driving my 1981 comutacar and 2001 Insight than any other vehicle
Over-simplification leads to misconception IMHO. But then again, I heard that the definition of a condom, was something to be worn for every conceivable occasion. Some say their mantra was. Buy me and stop one, but I never saw it on the side of a bus. Apologies to all RCs.
Hmmm my wife jokes that my '09 Prius helped sell me when we first started dating. She said she was impressed when I opened the passenger door for her via keyless entry, because she didn't know how it worked and thought it was really cool. So I think the car matters a little, but only after you know the person or have broken the ice, not as a cold pick-up.