I am not sure what kind of Prius I have. There is no MAP button on the dash. I was wondering if it was possible if there was a program I could install so I can have a GPS system. Help?
http://priuschat.com/forums/knowled...andard-optional-equipment-some-countries.html might help. If your Prius has no map nor dest buttons next to the MFD, you definitely don't have nav. If you don't have nav, you won't have all the necessary hardware such as the wiring and DVD drive until the driver's seat. I also would imagine the GPS antenna is missing too.
This is not a software case - even the original Toyota nav system is a standalone unit (located under the driver's seat) and in your case it is simply not present. So this is not a case of installing some "program" to enable it. In my opinion, it is not worth bothering thying to install and integrate an aftermarket nav. Buy a standalone nav system, it will be a lot cheaper and simpler. It would be possible to somehow integrate an aftermarket nav so that you could see the map on the MFD, since even the "original" Toyota nav is a completely standalone unit, connected to the composite input of the MFD. But you would have to solve the wiring, a switch allowing you to select the composite input on your MFD, antenna and connection of your nav to the audio system, if you want to hear the instructions (this should be the easiest part - do not know if it is standard, but my Prius has an audio input connector in the center console). But still, you won't be able to use the touchscreen of the MFD, so you would still have to somehow solve the problem of the "user interface" to your nav. It would probably be possible to somehow hack the MFD to get the touchscreen to work with your aftermarket unit (there has to be some interface connecting it to the "original" Toyota unit), but I am afraid that this would be far too complicated. I believe there was a thread on this (how to integrate an aftermarket nav), I saw it somewhere in the past. Try to google around if you are interested. But in my opinion, it is not worth the effort. If you want to play around and hack your car and nav, then it is the right project for you - but if you want to simply use a nav, buy an external standalone unit and don't bother trying to integrate it.
Also for reference, the cost of just a nav update DVD alone (for a car that already has all the hardware) exceeds the cost of many PNDs (portable navigation devices).
Thanks for the info spinkao. After reading I've realized that maybe a PND is the right choice. Thanks again for the answers guys!
my 04 came with nav, i think the pkg was five grand but that was all they had and we were waiting a year for a car. i swear that thing couldn't find my backyard from my driveway. my 08 is the lowest package and i purchased the garmin nuvi 200 for $150. yes, it isn't integrated and you have to plug it into the outlet, but the thing is amazing. easy to punch in a destination and i havn't gotten bad directions yet. and a very nice 3D type of display although smaller than the built in but you can get a wide screen if you prefer.
I would not buy TomTom's or any other PNDs that use TeleAtlas maps for navigation within the US. See http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...0-any-other-good-alternatives.html#post500527 as to why. I do have a Nuvi 350 now and received a Nuvi 1200 free from my bank awhile ago. I use it on my Z that has no nav and took the 1200 w/me when I went to Canada. The 1200 helped too since I hit a case of no such address or a totally wrong address in the Vancouver BC area on my 06 Prius' outdated map DVD.
Hi guys I also got prius 2008 tspirit. When i press map button they massage comes on screen "a programme cannot be read contact the dealer" Hopfully you guys know how can i fix and whats the problem would be. I'm in uk. Many thanks in advance
Check under the LF (passenger) seat for a black box. If it is missing, that will be the reason. It is not uncommon for car traders to pull this out and sell it separately to get an extra £3-600 as the car is worth the same with or without the Sat/Nav box. If the box is there, (from the LR side) slide the door cover across which will open the slot and eject the DVD (if it is in there). If there is no DVD, then that is the reason for the error. Other than that, I have no other ideas.
Thanks for your reply i have checked and find every thing on place. And also i have check the dvd in my friend prius and it was working there. However when i turn on the switch, i can hear the dvd strting sound as well Same like when you load dvd in your latop or pc but after that nothing happen. Anyone else here who can help me to figher out this.
There are threads I've seen here on PriusChat with the same problem. People tried things like dismantling the unit, cleaning the lens, etc. Sometimes that fixed it. Other times the dvd drive went bad and was unrepairable. Try doing some more google searching with the terms "a program cannot be read" You'll find lots of different stories. When I had this I swapped in a known working unit from a parts car.
In addition to Eric's information above, check that the connections on the front side of the unit are plugged in fully. Maybe unplug and re-connect a few times. Other than that I think you may be looking at having to replacing the Navi box, if cleaning the lens (as suggested by Eric) does not work.