Well it turned cold on me so no more high MPG trips until next spring. Here is my last good tank from the fall. 60.1 MPG 521 miles in the Gen II list.
Two things bugging me: 1. All these dash displayed mpg's are significantly optimistic, due to Toyota's "embellishment". 2. These are single, exceptional tanks. Nothing wrong with that, but just saying.
Yes but it is the same for everyone, so a good comparison with the other prius drivers. Here is my tank with my 2005 Prius gen II. 71.3 mpg - 626 miles
I made my MFD more accurate by changing the size of my tires. I'm not using the OEM tire size, I went for a larger diameter tire to even out the MPH/MPGs. as to single/exceptional tanks I haven't had one yet. I have had dozens of tanks around the 59.x MPG mark both below and above but the variance isn't more than a gallon either way in the warm season. Sure I get much lower MPG during the winter months but from the warmest part of spring , all of summer, to the warmest part of fall I consistently get 57-61 MPG tanks. I just don't like driving to the flashing PIP on my Gen II due to the bladder collapse possibility so most of my tanks I refill after driving 350 to 450 miles. I only bother to drive to the 500 mile mark on a tank that is above 59 MPG but I have done this several times only to match the previous attempt and not bother to take another picture with no change. I do expect higher MPG displayed after I wear some more tread off, not sure if the actual MPG will change much but the displayed should get better next summer with the outer diameter of the tire shrinking. first post doesn't show my update from post 42 in the list format that would be dhanson865 - 60.1 mpg (521 miles)
That time of year again, I'm 400+ miles into a 63.x MPG tank right now. Should be able to post a pic this weekend.
I hope markabele is still willing to update the Top 20. (And thanks for doing that!) My new best tank will move me from tied-for-4th all the way up to... 4th. Fuel was 87 octane. Probably winter blend because I filled on May 2, but maybe that doesn't matter since it's E10, RFG in MA. <humblebrag off> Same cross-Mass. routes as my prior good tanks with similar 27 MPH average. Would be nice to see more people in the Prius C Top 10 (currently a more exclusive "Top 7"). It appears the next 3 to apply will make the list and get you all the accolades you desire. And the SWAG! You won't believe what they shower on us Top Tenners.
Could have gotten higher but I had a trip to North Carolina that couldn't be avoided and I only had 450 or so normal miles out of the 500. The last bit was me going up into a mountain chain (and miles 504-600 were ugly MPG wise). dhanson865 - 63.3 mpg (504 miles) Notes about the tank: * 80% of the driving was my normal commute to work 15 miles each way, a couple of miles for lunch. * temps varied from 50s to 80s but the majority of my driving was during daylight and I didn't use AC more than a couple of minutes in 500 miles * Upper grille blocked 100% lower grill blocked almost not at all, call it 10% (just stuffed in the leftovers from blocking the upper) * Michelin Energy Saver A/S with about 10 to 15 thousand miles on them, not new, not ready to replace. * PSI was roughly 45 front / 43 rear * 100% gas used primarily, might have been less than 1% ethanol due to residual gas from prior fill ups This winter gas got so cheap I actually started mixing gas with ethanol into my tanks of mostly 100% gas. At max I put in 2.x gallons of 10% ethanol with 4.x gallons of 100% gas but as the prices went back up I moved back towards 100% gas. I think I got a tank or two near 100% gas before went for the 500 mile tank.
Coworker bought a Prius C. I'm surprised as many as I see on the road we still have open spots in the top 10 for that.
Time to add some Gen IV. GenIV Top 10 1. krousdb - 77.1 mpg (775 miles) 2. tzx4 - 63.2 mpg (749 miles) 3. altdel 61.7 mpg (500 miles) from 800 mile per tank challenge | PriusChat krousdb 77.1 MPG 775 miles from Pretty decent . . . . | PriusChat tzx4 - 63.2 mpg (749 miles) from '16 real MPG | Page 5 | PriusChat altdel 61.7 mpg (500 miles)
Dusting off an old thread to post another good tank with my C. (Should have dusted the screen, too.) In the post just above, dhanson865 summarized some early high mileage reports from Gen 4. Is there a compilation thread for Top Gen 4 mileage? (I only found scattered reports when searching.) Some Gen 4 drivers have attained very high numbers. I'm especially jealous of higher speed EV mode.