Almost logged 100K miles. What maintenance is required other than the oil change? I will replace the spark plugs but wondering if I also need a transmission and coolant service. How much will it set me back? Thanks in advance.
What doe the Maintenance Book say? Assume you're going to do those items? The other thing's I'd consider are a transaxle fluid change, and a brake fluid change. Both of those would be roughly tri-yearly, once in a long while. You are keeping on top of the brakes, having them thoroughly inspected periodically?
Here is the Toyota Schedule On page 48 you can see that 100,000 mils is a minor service, but that 120,000 miles does the spark plugs and pretty much every thing Toyota ever recommends. Brake fluid goes bad by absorbing water, So will last longer in Phoenix than in Miami, there are test strips your dealer can use to quickly check the condition of the brake fluid. The ATF WS in the transaxle has no official change interval, but if you decide to change it every 100,000 miles no one will say that is too often. My dealer charges $110, but it is going to be different at every dealer. If you did it, you would buy $40 in ATF and washers.
On the Gen 2 forum it is recommended to get a transaxle drain and fill shortly after purchasing the car, maybe at 20k, and then maybe every 90k after that. Fluid is cheap, transaxles are not. the reason the first one needs to be at 20k is because when the transaxle is new all the gears are at their biggest possible size, as metals touch the gears eventually wear a little so there is a lot of metal shavings in the fluid after driving the car only 20k miles. After that initial "break-in period" the gears became smaller (probably not noticeable to the human eye) and they wear much, much less after that, that's why you can go 90K easily after that. Filling the transaxle fluid is an exercise in patience. Toyota owns 50% of aisen warner, one of the biggest transmission manufacturer's in the world. So toyota WS was their joint creation. toyota is so arrogant that WS actually stands for World Standard, they claim it never has to be changed . . . they are wrong. Toyota wants all of us to throw them a ticker tape parade for creating that fluid, count me out. Your transaxle will never fail during the warranty period. After that you're left holding the bag, so some fluid is cheap insurance.
i would start thinking about throttle body, maf, pcv, intake manifold, injectors and other items not in the maint. manual. check your 12 volt rating voltage.
Yes, but this is a Gen 3 Prius. What is the consensus for Gen 3, 100k? I will probably change the tranny and cooling fluid at the dealership. Just ordered Bosch Iridium spark plugs, I will change them myself. I just changed them on my 14 year old Mercedes and getting 2-3 MPG more, very impressed. Had Denso Iridium previously.
Neither the Gen 2 nor 3 has any filtration of the ATF WS. There is no set interval but 30,000 miles, then 90,000 miles, then every 90,000 miles is as good as any. I am coming up on my 90,000 service next week.