Just recently my Prius has been making a clicking noise when turning right and braking at the same time. It only happens during a right while braking and not while stopping straight or left. Any ideas? I only have 27K miles on it. I'm not due for an oil change for a couple thousand miles and was going to wait until then to mention it to the dealer.
Happens to mine constantly. Only notice it when I'm turning into my driveway, turning and braking at the same time.
They replaced the drivers axle assembly Pt# 43420-47030. Didn't resolve the problem. I still hear it when turning into a driveway while braking (usually downhill). I also hear a suspension creak sometimes when going slow over speed bumps. I don't know if they are related.
I get the same clicking while turning and braking at slow speeds. Noticed it doesnt happen when driving the same way in neutral. I think the regenerative brakes are disabled while in neutral so maybe the clicking is caused by the regenerative braking.
I have the same problem, hear when braking and turning. It is very annoying. Any idea what to rule out?
I have the same problem, on the forum here someone mentioned (Right) front Axle assembly. Is it still happening?
I've noticed this, and my guess (at this point) is the braking system guessing on what to do. Since the pads are actuated electronically by the computer, and it's a balance of regen braking and regular braking, I think using the brakes in a slow turn makes the computer go ??? and it toggles between braking methods. That, or the pads aren't fully actuated and the change in wheel geometry while turning makes a part of the disc touch the pad intermittently...making the "clicking" sound.
Ah I see it. I have your exact same problem. Creaking, downhill when turning left and braking. Its been there about a year. I am replacing brakes soon, will post of the that helps.
I've had the same issue for at least a year or so ... maybe longer. Audible clicking as I brake while turning right at very low speeds, as when rolling through a stop sign or turning into a driveway. Doesn't happen while turning left. The car only has 28k miles and I don't want to go to the dealer and pay $$ if they don't have a solution. I'm tempted to think the sound is a benign behavior of the regenerative braking system. But I'd be very interested to know if anyone has found a way to make it go away.
Really I did search quite extensively and as far as I can see, lots of people have reported the same issue, have tried different fixes including parts replacement, and yet the source of the noise and resolution if any are still unclear. It's not even clear whether it's even a 'problem'. If you know of a thread where somebody really did figure it out, please provide link. Thanks.
I don't think it has been solved. It's true, there has been a lot of discussion, but not much methodical analysis. I have the issue as well (69K), intermittently. Here's what I've seen from research and personal experience: Happens when braking & turning right. Normally when in Drive, but not in Neutral Can typically hear it at speeds less than 30 MPH or so Often happens when going down hill. Many who have "lower" aftermarket suspension on their cars hear it Seems to be temperature sensitive. Some report hearing it below 75℉ I only hear it in my car when it is cooler outside Generally, noise comes from the front, passenger side of the car. The rate of clicking is proportional to the speed of the car. For some replacing the axle assembly helped, for others it had no impact. Many believe that it is related to the regenerative braking in some way. It does not appear to affect performance, or cause any other issues. I'm going to try it in B-mode to see if it happens then. Any other experiences that may help better identify the issue are appreciated.
Okay well thanks I did read that thread. I appreciate the pointer ... I just didn't come away with the impression that the problem was solved. A lot of the commenters mentioned lowered suspension - I don't believe I have a lowered suspension - or they said that the mechanic saw nothing wrong when he put the car up on the lift. So all I am taking away from this is that 1. since the noise goes away in neutral, and 2. since the visual inspection underneath shows nothing amiss, and 3. since some people have driven 135K with this noise, then it's probably not a mechanical problem. I am going to assume that it has something to do with the way that regen braking works at low speed and I'm not going to worry about it.
I have the same exact issue with my 2011. I believe it has to do with the regen braking as well. Clicking turning right at low speeds.