Started playing with Engine Link app with my ELM327 OBDii adaptor on my iPhone 5. I've been scanning and tuning with HP Tuners & my laptop for years so I'm familiar with Pids and custom scanner setups. Very slick app, set up was easy and it's quite nice that it comes with the Prius custom pids pre-loaded, no jailbreak needed. Would anyone care to share their custom dashboard setups? There are hundreds of parameters you can log, and many are not familiar to me with my Vette experience (it's a very simple car in comparison). I figured I'd ask the Prius scanning experts what they like to monitor. Thanks in advance for any help.
Here are two that I have put together. One to monitor the HV Battery and the other to monitor the Hybrid System.
Resurrecting an old thread here... Has anyone tried creating a custom layout by creating or modifying the .layout XML file? I'm a little detail-obsessed and wanted to make my displays line up nicely. I figured out the content for most of the elements, except #8... Maybe it's a default/starting point? For most metrics, it appears to be equal to the min. Format for each display shown on the dashboard: <array> <integer>5</integer> -- display type (3 = small bar, 5 = small plot, 7 = small digital, etc.) <real>98</real> -- x (horizontal) position <real>226</real> -- y (vertical) position <string>2101</string> -- PID # <string>I * 9 / 5 - 40</string> -- formula <string>Coolant</string> -- Description <string>F</string> -- Unit <real>159.80000000000001</real> -- ??? <string>7E8</string> -- Header <string>-40</string> -- Min <string>250</string> -- Max </array>
New to this stuff, but am interested in the diagnostics mainly for monitoring the Hybrid battery. Saw this first on a Youtube video. Your PID (?) shows a similar display. Did you create it or "download" it from somewhere. Have read up a lot on different systems, but still don't understand how the PIDs work and how to set up. Will probably get the EngineLink and try to get it going. Thanks for any help.