Bob Cook Junior Member Start a Conversation I was driving my 2008 Prius and it abruptly slowed down and became undriveable. I had all of the warning lights - the red triangle master warning light, hybrid syatem warning light, and the check engine warning light. The car had to be towed home. The gas engine starts and runs - driving forward feels like the brakes are on - will not drive in reverse,. I checked the codes and had the following : POA1D, POA78, POA90, and P0A94. I've searched looking for solutions - any help is greatly appreciated. THANKS
Where are you located? Tell us so that we can steer you to locally available (if any are local) resources . JeffD
One of the best independent Prius repair facilities is Luscious Garage in SF. I expect that you know that there are two batteries in your Gen2 Prius; the 12v and the HV (Traction) battery. JeffD