While listening to the radio at lunch, the radio will quit, and the car will not ready to start. I came back at the shift end and the car started. This is the second time it happened. I drive it 15 miles a day. The dash lights will flicker and dance around but will not start at the initial start of this happening. I keep the ignition in the ON position so I can see the clock. Any ideas??? Thanks.
To listen to the radio in the car, it should be in ready mode, the little 12 volt won't run even just the radio for a long time. Seems like you ran down the 12 volt, and when you shut everything off and let the battery "rest", it came back enough to put the car in ready, then the hybrid battery charged the little 12 volt on the way home. If that's the case you need to get the 12 volt checked, cause they don't last long after being run down a couple of times. Then if it's bad the little battery will cost at least $200. Good luck
^^^ it's may be able to charge the 12v, and keep an eye on it. if it won't hold up under regular use, you'll need to replace it as munpot42 says above.^^^
Get the battery tested. Most automotive stores and/or battery speciality places will have smart tester, can tell you the at-rest voltage and the Cold Cranking Amps. If it's borderline you might try hooking it up to a smart charger, see if it'll revive.
Your 12v battery is weak. That flickering is a pretty good clue. You will want to address this right away. Do not sit and listen to the radio with the car off until you get a battery or else you will get stranded.
It is generally written in manuals I think that the car is prone to odd and onconsistent behaviors when the 12v battery needs to be replaced. The 12v battery can not be jump-started except by someone with specific training for doing so. I believe that going to the dealer and letting them diagnose and/or change the battery is the best option. It is not a beneficial thing to run the radio on battery only. It is better to use it in Ready mode and in P if that is your habit.
I experience the same as you if I listen to just the radio. The radio will quit after a few minutes. I think this is a protection so you don't run down the battery. I have to cycle through the other modes to turn the car on again. I assume that's what you are seeing when you say flickering lights. All perfectly normal. If you want to listen to the radio, do it with the car in READY. The engine might come on occasionally but better than a dead battery.