Hi guys, First post here. My 09 Prius is likely due for a coolant drain and refill. I saw reedjasond's youtube post on using a multimeter and and jumping the relay to run the pump to get the air out of the system. Is there a way to do this via the techstream software? Is there an option to run the pump? I've done some work with the techstream on my TCH just curiuos if anybody's done this via techstream. Hope you can help.
Welcome. Yes, in the Engine/ECT tab, under "Active Test," run water pump, It will run for 30 seconds.
Thank you sir! Appreciate the help. All is good! Not too bad of a job, the plastic panelling to get to the CHS area is a pain. Two of the 10mm bolts securing a front mudflap type thing just snapped off.