Factory side moldings for your Prius.

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Accessories & Modifications' started by Arizona Charlie, Jun 26, 2004.

  1. Arizona Charlie

    Arizona Charlie New Member

    Jun 26, 2004
    San Francisco
    Unfortunately, Toyota does not make or supply side moldings for the Prius. Thus our Prius vehicles are a prime target for those uncaring individuals who believe that the best way to get rid of a shopping cart is to aim it at a nearby car and let go. To fix a door dent properly you are looking at several hundred dollars worth of body shop work.

    The good news is that side moldings made for the 2004 Toyota Highlander fit the Prius as if they were made for the car. They come with a glue strip on the back of the molding and go on easily.

    I suggest that you take them to a good body shop and pay them the $50.00 [that's what I paid] to install them. For the do-it-yourselfer, the best way to install them is to apply masking tape directly below where the molding will fit on each door. Check to see that it looks right and then install the molding with its bottom edge directly above the tape. Be sure to be certain that the ends of your moldings will not get caught when you open the door.

    Fortunately the moldings comes pre-painted in Millennium Silver which is the color of my car.

    You will need to order four front door moldings from the Highlander. The front door moldings will fit perfectly on both the front and rear doors of the Prius amd will look as if they were made for the car.

    You will need to order two each of Part #. 75731-48020-BO
    and two each of Part # 75732-48020-BO

    Since the Highlander comes in the same colors as the Prius you should be able to get them in your cars colors. I didn’t check for availability of other colors but they should be available.

    Worst case --- you buy them and take them to your local body shop and have them custom painted to your cars color. I paid $333.00 for the four moldings which is a 30% discount from retail. If you are buying a new Prius you might get your salesman to convince his parts dept. to sell the moldings to you at their wholesale price. If not, there are Toyota dealers [find them on the internet] that sell at wholesale and ship their parts to you by UPS. The good thing is no sales tax and shipping is cheap.

    Arizona Charlie
  2. eak354

    eak354 Member

    Dec 18, 2003
    2004 Prius
    thanks for the info. any pictures so we can see? are they also available in black or just silver?
  3. viperboy

    viperboy New Member

    May 20, 2004
    San Juan, PR
    We will like to see a photo of your car, this will help us to decide install it.
  4. Eisenson

    Eisenson New Member

    Jan 14, 2004
    San Diego, CA
    2004 Prius
    A local auto parts house (10,000 Auto Parts) charged $15 for a roll of 1" stick-on side molding. I taped on an alignment straight-edge, then cut and stuck.

    15 minutes total effort. The molding's available in several colors, but I needed white and it looks fine. It's been on for seven months now with no problems.
  5. bookrats

    bookrats New Member

    Mar 12, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    Arizona Charlie -- major thanks. Just the information I was looking for!
    Just went to the Highlander color page at Toyota.com. It boils down to this:
    • Colors shared by the Highlander and Prius: Super White, Salsa Red Pearl, Millenium Silver, Black
    • Colors not shared: Driftwood Pearl (Sonora Gold Pearl appears to be similar); Seaside Pearl (blue) (two blues in Highlander: Bluestone Metallic and Indigo Ink Pearl (latter is closer, I think); Tideland Pearl (there is an Oasis Green Pearl, but that's closer to the light green that the Prius classic came in, I think.)