I have a 2005 Prius (145k miles) with new original battery and computer, new tires (original size) but I average 38 mpg. Any tips for me to increase that number?
welcome! sure, there are so many things to look into. start with he tyres. what brand and specs? they can make a huge mpg impact. next, check your 12 volt health. third, what is your commute like? round trip miles, how aggressively do you drive? topography? then, let's hear more about this new battery. who installed it? finally, tell us about maintenance history. is it up to date? what do you know? how are the brakes? anything dragging? spark plugs? injection system? throttle body and maf? pcv valve? when we get past all the basic stuff, we'll talk about pulse and glide and other hypermiling techniques. but first, you need to find out what's wrong with your car. all the best!
There are many possibilities, but we need more clues before we can give you any good guidance. Please start by answering as much of the below questionnaire as practical, and posting the answers here: Fuel economy complaints/queries? Please copy, paste & answer these questions, esp. if you're new | PriusChat
only drive down hill you will see a giant leap in MPG increase tire pressure to around 42psi cost as often as possible take heavy un needed junk out of the car watch the you tube videos on hypermiling
I have learned not to trust the computer MPG as the actual MPG calculated at gas pumps can vary greatly...as much as 7mpg in my case. For me the fluctuations are mainly due to temperatures.