Hey all, in the interest of having the option of being as stealthy as possible, is there any way to install a button to disengage all exterior lights? I already have the EV mod and wanted to incorporate both the activation of that and the ability to turn off all lights (including brake lights) with one button, or two if that's unfeisable. I'm aware that it's probably not legal, but if it's possible I'd love to do it!
100% illegal especially in Canada where you need DRLs. If you wanted to do it, all you have to do is put relays inline with the power to each of the bulb circuits. Flip a switch, the relays energize breaking the NC contact and then no power goes to the bulbs.
Well, lets see, emergency and turn signals are already switched, you just have to not turn them on. This leaves the brake and running lights. Can't help you with Canadian DRLs, mine are homebrew, thus not like yours. I can help with the tail lights though. An easy way to get at the left and right tail lights is through the back of the trunk, there's a big six or eight pin plug that brings them power and signal. If they share a common ground you would put a relay on the ground and be able to defeat all of them with one relay per side, relays would work off one button on the dash. I don't know how the third brake light works, you might have to give it its own relay. Reccomend you put a big annoying red light on that switch so you CAN'T forget it's on. Do yourself a favor, use this on private property, not the street, hokay?
yeah.. it's called turning off your lights and using your parking brake to stop.... that's the only way. i don't want to be on the road near you with this "mod"... i don't see the point. a prius is too slow to be running away from other cars with lights off... them passing you with your lights off makes you look like all the other camry drivers....
what r u going to achieve with this put some led bulbs in case u want to save on powers relay still going to consume the power that otherwise would have been consumed by a 5 w tail lamp bulb