Hello all, I am new to this forum. I have a question. Anyone have the procedure to remove the left front fender on a 2010 Prius III? It looks straightforward withe the exception of the bolts behind the vent window. Does this window need to come out or will the fender simply pull forward when all the other bolts are removed? Daughter had a deer run into the fender and it is destroyed. Thanks.
Questions like this invariably raise side questions: 1. Get pro assessment of the scope of damage, and repair? 2. Use insurance?
Don't need a pro. I can fix it myself. Just never pulled one off a 3rs gen prius. Really looking for an answer on whether the small glass has to come out. Car has a bunch of miles and I don't need another insurance claim on it. $375.00 for a factory 202 paint code fender, $7.00 for a 12 pack of Stag bottles and the fender is on and out the door.
Do not need to remove the glass. The fender runs up on two studs in that area near the window. After removing all the bolts, fender comes off by pulling/sliding it toward the front of the car.
I came to the same conclusion about the glass, with just a quick look. Which got me thinking why he's gotta ask...