I finally had my first Gen 4 sighting out on the open roads - the pics are from a couple of days ago. This sighting is still my only sighting of a Gen 4 out on the open roads.
I finally saw one too on the road yesterday. I think the front actually looks less interesting in person that it does in pictures. I'm not a fan of the look, but at least in pictures the front looks bold. However in person, it looks less bold somehow. In the press pictures they almost always have the Prius 2016 at an angle, which tends to emphasize the angularity of the design and the unusual headlights. However, IMO if you look at it straight on, it looks more low end compact car like and distinctly less bold, despite those headlights. I don't mind the back as much though. Overall, I think the ugliest Prius was probably my 2001. Or at least, that was the most boring. The 2016 comes in second though for ugliness IMO. The 2004 and 2010 were OK, although not exactly pretty either.
I saw one at night a week or so ago....those tail lights light up real funky like. Very George Jetson if you ask me. Kinda looks like the cars they designed in the '50's that they went above and beyond with to make look very futuristic.
I was getting my 1st 10k service and check one out top to bottom while waiting, personally it's not for me! When back seat is folded down its not level with a 1 inch rise, so if your pushing a box forward you have to lift it to clear that rise. I see point where the body was stiffen, they also use a cheap independent single beam rear end setup w sway bar. Still it made cheap with plastic clips connecting body panels together!
I saw a blue one a few days ago early in the morning around sunrise...I noticed the back lights looking like lightning. Quite distinctive. A 90 year old lady was driving it so I, in my 2007 Prius was driving next to her for a bit while I was looking it over. Then I thought I might have been making her nervous and maybe appearing a tad creepy, so I passed her and left her in the dust...oh well....
Yes, us young 40 year olds I have been getting lots of questions about it from random strangers saying they like it and want to know more about it and most of those people are around my age.
ok let's do quick photo comparison, you guys are saying that your Egg shape Gen 3 prius looks better than the ugly Gen 4 2016. really? Have you driven a gen 4 2016 in a twisty rd? Does your Gen 3 achieved 62-65mpg in normal driving conditions?
One thing Toyota has successfully done is create the great divide between the Prius fanbase. It's getting old already.
When I first saw one on the road, the first thing I thought of was... This Prii needs a ground effects kit.
I don't know, I always thought previous generations of Priuses looked ugly but I figured people didn't buy them for their looks so they didn't mind the looks. I never thought owners actually liked the looks of the Prius. I like the look of the Gen 4 but it is about personal preference. It doesn't have the cute roundness like Fiat or Yaris nor does it have the utilitarian look of the previous Prius generations. If owners of previous generations want to call it ugly, so be it but I'll just say I get a lot of compliments from random people regarding it which I didn't expect.