156 original episodes 5 seasons several mind trips Little-known Tony fact, every once and a while there's a hint of Obsessive Compulsive behavior that creeps in. So a few months ago when SciFi had a weekend of Twilight Zone episodes, I started recording them. Then I went online and got the entire episode list. Then scratching off the ones I'd seen recently. Which each new episode I was one episode closer to having seen them all. Last night, I finished the list with "A Thing About Machines" which was an anticlimactic conclusion, though not as anticlimactic as "Bewitchin' Pool" must have been for the series at the time. So admit it, who else is a Twilight Zone fan? What's your favorite episode? How many have you seen?
Wow, that's sort of cool. I'm sure that I must have seen them all of the original series by now. I also like the more modern Twilight Zone but I'm sure that I haven't seen all of them. I love seeing all of the stars that show up in the episodes. I wonder if anyone single person was on there more times than William Shatner.
It is certainly neat seeing stars. Like Dennis Hopper in "He's Alive" or Robert Redford in "Nothing in the Dark" or even the actor who played Jed Clampett as a telepath. Then there are certainly some people I've only seen in Twilight Zone episodes but certainly more than a few. To my knowledge, Shatner was only in two episodes, "Nick of Time" and "Terror at 20,000 Feet." There are certainly some stories that I felt were better told and played out than others. But as for my favorite scene, it's in "A World of His Own" in which Rod Serling not only interacts with a character but the character makes Rod disapear. I'm trying to think but that's the only one I can think of in which Rod interacts directly with the characters.
Gee, you're right! For some reason I thought that there was a third Shatner one for some reason. Too much Romulan Ale last night B)
I loved TZ growing up, still do. I also enjoyed the Shatner episodes. Terror was actually used for the movie when it was made. I love Burgess Meredith in the one where he is a book worm and no one lets him read. He gets caught in the bank vault during a "nuclear" explosion. Somehow the books are not burned but he accidentally breaks his glasses without which he cannot see..... Psych and morals......nothing can touch TZ for that.
B) I've seen so many I can't remember any names, however, the one that does stick into my mind, was were some guy named Adam crashes his spaceship on another planet, and ultimately finds a semi-clad female roaming the woods like an animal. He sort of got together with her and he names her... ...Eve. h34r: ...oh another worthy mention, is when power goes out in a neighborhood, except for one weird house for which none of the neighbors knows the occupants too well. The neigbors all get together and start theorizing and such, and ultimately, it turns into a mob scene where they all get their guns and turn on each other. Come to find out, it was all a military experiment being watched by military personel through binoculars from some near by hill, and they matter of factly log how long it took before anarchy broke out, which turned out to be something like less than 24 hours....lol h34r:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Trevor @ May 12 2006, 10:29 AM) [snapback]254059[/snapback]</div> Burgess Meredith was in 4 episodes (I think). I'll have to look it up in the great book "The Twilight Zone Companion." I've seen every episode at some time in my life. I'm old enough to have watched them in first run. My 16-year-old daughter and I never miss the twice-a-year SciFi Channel marathons (New Year's and 4th of July). I even remember watching "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge." I believe that is the only episode that has never been rerun. It was actually a short film not prepared for the TZ. They added a Serling intro to it when it was shown. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ May 12 2006, 11:45 AM) [snapback]254090[/snapback]</div> "Nightmare at 20,000 Feet." <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Salsawonder @ May 12 2006, 12:05 PM) [snapback]254105[/snapback]</div> "Time Enough At Last." My all-time favorite.
I saw it in High School on a reel-to-reel in a Literature class. The teacher was talking about how we want to believe things but in this case what you watched wasn't really happening. Sort of like "Sixth Sense" you can look back and say 'yeah, that couldn't have worked out that way' but at the time you're rooting for the guy. My local library has the Twilight Zone DVDs. I think I might get this one (volume 44) just for this one episode.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Mystery Squid @ May 12 2006, 09:28 AM) [snapback]254121[/snapback]</div> Those are both good one. Adam and Eve don't talk the same language and there is all that distrust to start with. Too bad stuff like that does not happen often enough in real life. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(TonyPSchaefer @ May 12 2006, 09:49 AM) [snapback]254149[/snapback]</div> Great idea, I'll have to check ours. Those 2x year marathons are few and far between. Another "feel good" one was where there are these 2 kids whose parents fight all the time and they find a secret passage through their pool into this country like place with a nice grandmotherly figure there. They go back and forth a couple times and finally decide to stay after learning that their parents are divorcing. Did Burgess Merdith also do one where he gained additional strength? I suck at names of shows, lyrics of movies...TZ nostalgia could go on and on and on!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Salsawonder @ May 12 2006, 01:38 PM) [snapback]254181[/snapback]</div> Yes. "Mr. Dingle, the Strong." A featured player in this episode is a young Don Rickles.
Correct, NoVa. THe first one, where the kids find the passage was entitled "The Bewithin' Pool" and was the series' final episode. Number 156. The marathons are only twice a year but SciFi shows two or three every day. That's where I've been getting them via DVR. Over New Years weekend, I recorded as many as I could without choking the DVR and then set a recurring recording to get them every day. I just went through the list and deleted the ones I'd already seen until I got all the way through. And now, to the joyous celebrations of my wife, I can terminate the recurring recordings.
I am, I am! I have every episode on VHS; I bought them for $50 a few years go from a guy in Texas that I found via Ebay. I LOVE Twilight Zone and I think I've seen every original episode...one of my favorites is the one with the never-aging actress who might possibly also be/have been Cleopatra. I also very much enjoyed "To Serve Man" and "The Hitchhiker". Oooh and I also loved the "Kick the Can" one, with the old guys who start playing kid's games and become young again. <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(NoVaSnow @ May 12 2006, 09:49 AM) [snapback]254140[/snapback]</div> I first saw that 'minimovie' in my film class my 2nd semester at college. LOVED it! I think I have that one on VHS as well; isn't it an hour long (or slightly over an hour?)
I liked Shatner on the airplane with the gremlins..... would like to see them all again- they were really groundbreaking TV in the day! here's an episode finder I just found! http://www.twilightzone.org/index2.html
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Rancid13 @ May 12 2006, 11:46 AM) [snapback]254230[/snapback]</div> I remember "The Hitchhiker" was really kind of chilling at the time. To Serve Man where the wonderful aliens actually had a cookbook for "serving" humans as a meal was fun. I had not thought about the aging actress for a long time though. Another that was infrequently seen was one with Ann Jillian as a little blond girl who had been an alien being raised by earthlings. So many alien themes were in there. Anyone learn their lesson from the bad boy gangster/gambler who thought he was in heaven only to find out it was the other place. Everything that had been fun for him (gambling and women) were now too easy and lacked the thrill.
Coincidentally, on Jeopardy today they had a Twilight Zone category where they described the main theme and they players guessed the episode title...
IMHO, one of the best TV shows ever created. I, too, enjoy the SCI-Fi marathons, even though I've seen most of the episodes. My all time favorite - "On Thursday We Leave for Earth". The writing is so eloquent, the ending so sad... James Whitmore is superb. Opening Narration Narrator: "This is William Benteen, who officiates on a disintegrating outpost in space. The people are a remnant society who left the Earth looking for a Millennium, a place without war, without jeopardy, without fear--and what they found was a lonely, barren place whose only industry was survival. And this is what they've done for three decades: survive; until the memory of the Earth they came from has become and indistinct and shadowed recollection of another time and another place. One month ago a signal from Earth announced that a ship would be coming to pick them up and take them home. In just a moment we'll hear more of that ship, more of that home, and what it takes out of mind and body to reach it. Yes, William Shatner is in a couple of famous episodes, but does anyone know which episode featured Leonard Nimoy? Twilight Zone - what great stories and memories!
"It's a Good Life" w/Billy Mumy "Time Enough at Last" w/Burgess Meredith "The Invaders" w/Agnes Morehead BTW, the one with Leonard Nimoy was "A Quality of Mercy." Dean Stockwell plays a G.I. who either becomes, or sees the war through the eyes (don't remember which) of his Japanese counterpart.
I don't know the names of episodes but I have a few favorites: 1) had to do with aliens who come to earth and end poverty, hunger etc. because they have a book called "To Serve Mankind" - at the end it turns out it is a cookbook... 2) next was one about a stop smoking group where they beat up a guy's wife, then start cutting off fingers etc. if you cheat and have a smoke 3) was about a woman who was so ugly that they tried all kinds of surgeries but couldn't help her. She of course to our eyes is beautiful and it is everyone else who is ugly Great show. Too bad the guy was a smoker...
Ooh, I just remembered another episode that I really enjoyed. I can't remember the name of this one, but the premise was there was this older man living out in the country, let's call him Jethro. Anyhow, he dies peacefully and 'wakes up' to find himself walking down a dirt country road with his trusty coon dog. He comes to a gate, where a well-dressed man invites him in, telling him it was heaven. Jethro asked the guy if his dog could come in also, the man told him unfortunately no. Jethro decided against going thru the gate without his dog and kept on walking. Later he came upon another gate with a fellow standing outside it, who told him he was Peter and welcomed him to heaven. Jethro asked this guy if he could bring his dog along, and 'Peter' told him absolutely. Jethro recounted his encounter with the other gate guy and 'Peter' said something along the lines of the other gate leading to 'that other place' and told Jethro it was a good thing he had his dog with him that day. That was a good one...